All major changes will be logged here for easy reference. The server and its information is constantly changing and this is a good way to keep you informed.
April 20 -- The ever-expanding list of on-line natural history collections now includes a brief list of on-line geological collections.
April 18 -- Spoon worms and innkeepers? You need to know.
April 17 -- Ever wonder about paleontology? Well, UCMP has come up with a list of Frequently Asked Questions concerning paleontology.
April 8 -- Allen Collins has created a new home page. He was tired of that old boxy thing.
April 2 -- Our list of on-line natural history collections has continued to expand by leaps and bounds.
March 21 -- We were the Cool Site of the Day today! We are even that much cooler for changing our opening pages to be a little more "Netscapey".
March 20 -- We are constructing our new Tyrannosaurus rex!!!
March 15 -- We are pleased to present an expanded selection of organismal biological links in our Other Collections page. We now have four new categories, including microbial collections, invertebrate collections, herpetological collections (that's snakes, lizards, and amphibians) and finally a section of links to natural history libraries and images. Enjoy!
March 4 -- An Intrepid Exhibit Designer has contributed some new information on Arthropod groups, including those fabulously famous fossils, Trilobites, as well as the ubiquitous Uniramians.
March 3 -- As promised, we have gotten to the root of all things.
February 19 -- UCMP is dedicated to enhancing the public's knowledge of the fascinating world of paleontology, as evidenced by this server. One area of our server enumerates several of the other public outreach programs that UCMP administers. This area will certainly be growing in the future under the direction of UCMP Public Programs Director, Judy Scotchmoor. For the time being, we have PaloePals (as described below), the heart-warming story of a very special contribution to our "Own a piece of the Rex" Campaign, and an announcement of the public unveiling of our new Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton.
February 11 -- THE SUBWAY has been redone! Finally! It now includes a lot more information and has a nifty new look and feel. Although not fully done, check it out now.
February 3 -- The exhibits on sponges have received a face-lift. Stop in for a quick visit of these beautiful and elegantly simple creatures.
January 28 -- We have just completed PaleoPals, an interactive question and answer service for those interested in any aspect of Paleontology. Contributions are housed in the Log of PaleoPals for easy viewing.
January 17 -- Take a look at the new exhibit on the stratigraphic divisions of the Cambrian period. What's a "Tommotian Explosion" anyway?
January 16 -- Sea cucumbers, sea urchins, starfish and other spiny-skinned things, all known as the Echinodermata are introduced to you in another set of exhibits in the phylogeny section of our museum.
January 10 -- More work has been done on numerous pages on the server. Check out Three Domains Of Life, the slick new introduction to all the life on this world. Also check out a new Introduction to the Vertebrates.
January 9 -- For the first time in many months, we experienced a decline in usage. Perhaps the holidays contributed to this. We'll see what the future holds.
January 1 -- A recent issue of U.S. News and World Reports featured our UCMP home page in an article on the future of the Internet!