This is not an exhaustive listing of every on-line library collection and FTP on the Internet, but rather a guide to on-line catalogs of specialized collections, primarily in natural history, systematics, and the history of science. A few more general sources are also included.
Baso de Dados Tropical: Library and Publication Catalogs
Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates, 1981-1990
Biodiversity and Biological Collections Gopher: Biology Images Archive
Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics, Ohio State University
British Library, London, England
California Academy of Sciences, Library Department
Cornell University Library, Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections (online exhibit on Louis Agassiz Fuertes)
DELTA Collaborative Database Project, California State University
GLADIS: University of California-Berkeley libraries catalog (telnet)
Illinois Natural History Survey: virtual library and publication catalog
INFOMINE: Biological, Agricultural, and Medical Resources, University of California-Riverside
IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals, 1994
Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, library listings (no searchable catalogs)
Lunar and Planetary Institute, NASA: online services
University of Michigan: Historical Artifacts in the Health Sciences
National Library of Medicine: Online Image Database and exhibits
Natural History Museum, London: Library Catalogue (telnet: log in as "libcat")
New York Botanical Gardens Library (telnet: log in as "library")
Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University collection of scientific instruments
Research Libraries Information Network
Smithsonian Institution, FTP Photo Server
Smithsonian Institution Research Information System (SIRIS) (telnet)
"Schreber's Fantastic Beasts", Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History
University of Texas at Austin: Geology Library
University of Texas at Austin: Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection
United States Geological Survey Library
Consult Libweb for a master list of library information servers.
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