
The UCI Bookstore is proud to present our first-rate collection of Japanese Animation. Check out the Japanimation/Anime section of our Gopher hole to get important info on new releases and place pre-orders for copies of things that aren't yet available. In addition to videotapes, we stock tons of anime-related soundtrack CDs, laserdiscs, graphic novels, books, posters, and T-shirts. We await your order.

Bookstore Random Anime Items Page

The Bookstore Random Anime Items Page is where you'll find late-breaking news of anime and associated stuff -- calendars, models, and so forth -- which is just in and which we expect to fly rapidly out again. You can also search or browse our Gopher-based database for anime.

Ah! My Goddess!

Our Ah! My Goddess! web site is open! Our first anime WWW exhibit, it features video clips, songs, and more information on Oh My Goddess! [we'll explain later] than you may be capable of digesting. You may also want to order from our selection of AnimEigo and AMG-related materials.

[Icon - Yen and Dollar]

Prices After The Death Of The Dollar

As you all know, the Japanese yen has been beating on the dollar worse than King Ghidorah on a Tokyo car park. Without Gojira to defend us, we must give up. We have been holding out for as long as possible, but until things get better, we can't guarantee the prices on our Japanese anime and manga products. Please forgive us if, when you order, we send back a confirmation letter with prices slightly higher than those listed here. Because we hope that this situation will improve soon, we will not post new prices right away.

The ANIME Mailing List

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J.K. Cohen/ www server/12 August 1994