UCI Bookstore Ordering Information

The Pitch

The UCI Bookstore invites your orders by email, US Mail, fax and telephone.

[Stretch List
Outline: When you select a topic link, that topic is expanded while the
remaining topics remain in context around it. Developed by Michael
Herrick (matterform@nets.com)]

o The Philosophy

o How To Do It

o Credit Cards

V Shipping

The UCI Bookstore adds its cost for shipping to your order. We charge you exactly what the shipper charges us.

For Detail-Haters

If you hate details, if you don't want to be bothered, and just want default choices that will get your stuff to you with moderate speed and moderate cost, here it is, short and sweet:

USA customers should use
USPS Priority Mail (3-4 days) or UPS Ground. (7 days, average)
International customers should use
United States Postal Service Small Package Air. (10 days, average)

We'll get back to you, once you place your order, with the shipping costs for your approval.

For People Who Want To Know Everything

If you like details, we can work with you to make sure you get the right balance of speed and price. We offer the following varieties of shipping: For explanations of the various shipping methods and their pros and cons, read our Small Treatise On Shipping.
o The Bookstore and PGP

The UCI Bookstore

University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92717-1550

Tel: (800) 829-BOOK or (714) 824-BOOK
Fax: (714) 824-8545
Email: books@uci.edu

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