Experimental Bookstore WAIS Search
Use Bookstore Search
(but, the first time around, read the instructions first)
This page links you to an experimental Gopher-based
WAIS search of our bookstore's database of books and CD's.
This search has been developed
through the unremitting and generous efforts of David
Walker and Mary Tan from UCI CWIS. There are several
important tips and caveats to keep in mind as you proceed:
- The database is not complete, nor is it entirely up to
date. It consists of those materials that have been in stock
during the past year, and it is updated on a roughly weekly
basis. It is probable that material listed here is presently
in stock and can be immediately shipped to you if you choose
to order it.
- Use UPPERCASE for all search terms. The data to be searched comes
from a McDonnell Douglas Series 18 which is not dead, but sleepeth.
- You can either search the entire database, or use the menu
selections labeled "A Closer Look At..." to home in on a more
precise subsection of the bookstore's wares. These subsections are
divided by subject and/or location; they should help you to form
a more precise search. (For example, if you searched the entire database
for "EINSTEIN," you would come up with selections from biography,
physics, T-shirts, and fiction; if you want only biographies, you can search the
biography section specifically.)
- Searches are conducted through a WAIS search engine mounted on
the university's Gopher server. Enter a keyword in the search
box, and the engine will retrieve any book or CD in the
database containing that keyword. Hence, there's no such thing
as a field-sensitive search based solely on author or title.
If you enter "Wharton," you're going to get books by Edith
Wharton and books put out by the collective Wharton
School of Economics. If you enter "Foucault," you're going to
get books by Michel Foucault and books with his name in
the title. You're going to have to look at the results
yourself to pick out what's appropriate.
- Certain qualifications of the search are possible. Entering
two terms will give you back a search result equivalent to the
sum of individual searches on each term. In other words, a
search for "literary history" will give you all books containing
"literary" and all books containing "history", as well as all
those containing both. It's roughly equivalent to searching
for "literary OR history." In order to get only those books
containing "literary history", enter "literary AND history".
AND is also a useful operator for dealing with two-part
names, because a search for "De Man" would produce the
equivalent of a search for De OR Man; use De AND Man instead.
- If you get negative search results, i.e.
do not click on the Catalog unless you want to retrieve a few megabytes worth of database. Return
to the search input screen by following the link back in your browser, and try your search again.
- When you get your results, click on individual lines for fuller
descriptions, with authors, titles, ISBN numbers and prices.
Feel free
to cut, copy and paste this information to your order form; any book or
CD listed here can be ordered from us by phone, fax, email or U.S. mail.
Use Bookstore Search
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