Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Calgary
Manager of all day to day operations of the lab including:
Providing user support and training, hardware maintenance and system upgrades.
Allocation of system resources, software support services, installation of third party software.
Performs network management including installing, maintaining and upgrading the Local Area Network and associated hardware and software components.
Plus resolution of networking problems and failures including monitoring network security and performance.
Manager of all local INTERNET information services including providing support, training and advice on efficient utilization of the following services:
Knowledgeable in the following computers and operating systems:
Planned, configured and installed entire Radio Astronomy Laboratory network.
Responsible for determining future hardware and software requirements and for budgeting and research of equiptment purchases.
Determined the need for and installed LAN-Internet communications hardware and software to improve research efficiency of the laboratory.
Managed the porting and installation of 3 major astronomical data reduction software packages to the Data General and SUN systems.
Consulted by the FOMI Satellite Geodesic Observatory, Budapest, Hungary on systems setup and satellite software design and results. Results presented at an IAU symposium on Space VLBI, Sept. 1993 in Kyoto, Japan.
Participated in an imaging design study to simulate and define the imaging potential of RadioAstron, a Russian radio astronomy satellite.
Co-developer and programmer of PC software package used in satellite based radio astronomy (RADIOASTRON project for the Canadian Space Agency).
Involved in the design, coding and testing phases of the package.
Wrote ~17000 lines of Pascal source code including design and implementation of a test strategy.
Produced a 76 page User manual, 500 page source code document and ~1200 pages of test results.
Responsible for designing and implementing an effective testing strategy which was then applied during collaborative testing between the University of Calgary and NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Responsible for upgrading and maintainence of software for eventual release with the Russian Radioastron space mission announcement of opportunity in 1997.
Adapted and prepared software for release with the Japanese VLBI Space Observatory Programme (VSOP) announcement of opportunity in May 1995.
Established and maintained the Canadian Regional VSOP Expert site in the form of an Internet hypertext (World-Wide Web) server.
Familiar with the following programming languages:
AIPS (Astronomical Image Processing System)
IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility)
ROSAT/PROS (IRAF/X-ray Offline Reduction Package)
Primarily Responsible for the reduction and analysis of astronomical observations.
August 1992 - November 1994
Summarized a set of astronomical observations of the X-ray binary LSI +61 303.
Taken from the ROSAT x-ray telescope.
Results to be published.
September 1989 - June 1990
Modeled the observed x-ray light curves of several known pulsars
and produced a mathematical model of the emission regions.
Subsequently coded the model in FORTRAN.
Results published.
May 1988 - August 1989
Analysed the 1420 MHz spectrum of the symbiotic nova HM Sge.
Performed data analysis on a Sun 3/40 running SunOS 3.x and the Astronomical Image Processing System (AIPS) data reduction package
with statistical work carried out on the MULTICS mainframe using FORTRAN.
Results published.
April 1987 - March 1988
Reduction and analysis of a radio aupernova detection survey in the 6 cm and 1.3 cm radio bands.
May 1986 - January 1987
University of Calgary student holding research assistantships as a part-time
scientific programmer/analyst.
Bachelor of Science Degree
Major: Physics
Second Major: Astrophysics
University of Calgary, June 1988
Glen Young