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Corporate Fact Sheet
April 1995


Progressive Networks, based in Seattle, Washington, is an interactive communications company focused on commercializing online audio-on-demand services using conventional personal computers and telephone lines through its RealAudio technology.

Founded: February 1994

Number of Employees: 25

RealAudio Technology:

Progressive Networks' RealAudio system makes it possible for providers of entertainment and news content to develop audio on demand services to be accessed and played over the Internet and without time delays. Typical download time encountered for conventional online audio delivery runs at approximately 25 minutes for 5 minutes of audio. The RealAudio system enables users equipped with conventional multimedia personal computers and voice-grade telephone lines to browse, select and play back audio or audio-based multimedia content, as easily as using a standard video cassette player/recorder.

Management Team:

Rob Glaser, President and CEO: Mr. Glaser worked for Microsoft for the past ten years, most recently as vice president of multimedia and consumer systems. Glaser focused on the development of new businesses related to the convergence of the computer, consumer electronics and media industries. While at Microsoft, Glaser was instrumental in advancing the evolution of today's Multimedia Personal Computing (MPC), multimedia platform standard announced in 1992 by Microsoft and eight of the world's ten leading PC manufacturers. Glaser has an M.A. Economics and B.S. Computer Science from Yale University.

Andrew Sharpless, Senior Vice President: Mr. Sharpless was most recently vice president for administration and planning of the Museum of Television & Radio. Previously, he served as a management consultant for McKinsey & Co., focusing on the communications industry. Sharpless has a J.D. from Harvard Law School, an M.Sc. from the London School of Economics and a B.A. from Harvard College.

Progressive Networks

Phil Barrett, Vice President - Software Development: Mr. Barrett worked for Microsoft for over eight years, most recently as a development group manager. In this position, Barrett led all development of Windows 386, Windows 3.0 and Windows 3.1. Barrett has a B.A. in Mathematics from Rutgers University and an M.S. in Computer Sciences from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.


Progressive Networks is funded by private individuals, including company founder Rob Glaser and Mitch Kapor, founder of Lotus Development Corporation and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

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RealAudio is a trademark of Progressive Networks.