We have decided to put in to Rarotonga, capital of the Cook Islands. The Cook play a long-running part in the story of French nuclear tests -- they are the independent South Pacific nation nearest to Moruroa where the French carry out their underground tests; there is a New Zealand Government seismic monitoring station there which has often provided the first indication to the world that France has conducted yet another test; and it is the place where, on Hiroshima Day, August 6th 1985, the nations of the South Pacific signed the Treaty of Rarotonga which declared the region a nuclear free zone.
86KB GIF or 29KB JPG. ©Greenpeace/Morgan
Many countries from outside the region also signed the treaty, but France the UK and the US were conspicuous by their refusal to sign. A stop in Rarotonga will allow us to fully reprovision the Rainbow Warrior should we be refused entry to Tahiti. On board, the increasingly pleasant weather results in a barbecue on the poop deck at sunset. A guitar, tea-chest bass (knocked up the day before in the fish hold) and a pair of spoons fuel a musical evening. We need some serious crew song practice for our approaching ports of call as singing is a pretty essential part of Pacific island life.
89KB GIF or 39KB JPG. ©Greenpeace/Morgan
We've heard reports from a number of Greenpeace offices around the world that opposition to French testing continues to grow. We are grateful for that. But we've also heard that the French consulate in Perth, Australia was fire bombed on Saturday. While we encourage non-violent protests of ALL types, we must condemn using violent tactics to try to stop the French. It is a sad reminder to us on board the new Rainbow Warrior of what the French did to our first Rainbow Warrior almost 10 years ago. The bombing in New Zealand left one crew member dead and shook the world when the news came out that it was not only the French, but that it was, in fact, an act of state terrorism. Violence is not acceptable in any situation and we call on all those concerned out there to PLEASE use restraint. Carry out marches, fax, e- mail, write or call the nearest French Embassy and your government to call for it to voice opposition to any re-start of nuclear testing. If you want to, stop using French or Chinese (remember, they just tested a nuclear weapon too!) products if you think that will work. But don't destroy property or people. In the end, such acts are the same when carried out by the French government or by individuals and just as destructive in both cases.
More news as we continue our journey.