Please fax or phone the Chinese Embassy on the following numbers, to demand an immediate and permanent cessation of Chinese Nuclear Testing.
Please contact your local embassy if you can. (You can help by letting us know of your local embassies' phone and fax numbers by mailing us here).
H E Jiang Zemin
President of the People's Republic of China
C/o State Council Secretariat
(We have not managed so far to obtain a fax or phone number in
China. Until then ordinary post will have to do!)
Your Excellency,
I want to protest strongly against the nuclear test China held in Lop Nor on 17 August. This is the second time your country has set off a nuclear test since the signing of the Non- Proliferation Treaty in May of this year.
At the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) conference in May, your country promised to "excercise utmost restraint" in the field of nuclear testing. Three days later your government tested a nuclear weapon in Lop Nor. By continuing to test nuclear weapons, your country blatantly defies the spirit of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which aims to put a stop to the spread of nuclear weapons.
It also sets back the current negotiations about the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, by provoking other countries to develop and test nuclear weapons because you do. You cannot ask other countries to hold back on aquiring their own nuclear arsenal unless the states which currently hold nuclear weapons show they are prepared not to use them. Your country, as well as France, must set an example for world peace and stop testing nuclear weapons, instead of actively continuing the nuclear threat.
I urge you to reconsider any further plans for nuclear tests immediately, and start working towards eliminating all nuclear weapons by adopting a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty now.
Yours Sincerely,