Schweiz - Vietnam
Schweiz; Deutsche Bank (Schweiz) AG Filiale Lugano; Casella Postale 2783; Via Monte Ceneri 1; CH-6901 Lugano; Tel. (004191) 200-800; Fax (004191) 200909
Schweiz; Deutsche Bank (Schweiz) AG Filiale Zürich; Bahnhofquai 9/11; Postfach 7381; CH-8023 Zürich; Tel. (00411) 2245000; Fax (00411) 2245050
Schweiz; DWS Investment (Schweiz) AG; Postfach 7339; Bahnhofquai 15; CH-8023 Zürich; Tel. (00411) 224-7700; Fax (00411) 224-7777
Singapur; Deutsche Bank AG Regional Head Office; Robinson Road; P.O. Box 7; Singapore 9000; Treasury Building; 8, Shenton Way, # 20-01; Singapore 0106; Tel. (0065) 3216600; Fax (0065) 2254911
Singapur; Deutsche Bank AG Singapore Branch; Robinson Road; P.O. Box 3941; Singapore 9059; 6, Shenton Way, # 15-08; DBS Building Tower Two; Singapore 0106; Tel. (0065) 2244677; Fax (0065) 2259442
Singapur; DB (Asia Pacific) Training Centre Pte Ltd.; Robinson Road; P.O. Box 7; Singapore 9000; Treasury Building; 8, Shenton Way, # 19- 03; Singapore 0106; Tel. (0065) 3216765; Fax (0065) 2272719
Singapur; Deutsche Bank (Asia Pacific) Ltd.; Robinson Road; P.O. Box 2103; Singapore 9059; 8 Shenton Way #23-03; Treasury Building; Singapore 0106; Tel. (0065) 3216789; Fax (0065) 2240848
Spanien; Deutsche Bank Sociedad Anónima Española Barcelona; Zentrale; Apartado 416; 08080 Barcelona; Vial Interpolar del Valles s/n, Parc d’Activitats Económiques; Can Sant Joan; 08190 Sant Cugat del Vallés; Tel. (00343) 5818181; Fax (00343) 5818544
Spanien; Deutsche Bank Sociedad Anónima Española Madrid; Zentrale; Apartado 221; 28080 Madrid; Paseo de la Castellana, 18; 28046 Madrid; Tel. (00341) 3355800; Fax (00341) 3355868
Spanien; Deutsche Bank AG Sucursal en España; Paseo de la Castellana, 18; 28046 Madrid; Espana; Tel. (00341) 3355505; Fax (00341) 3355520
Spanien; Deutsche Bank AG Sucursal en España; Oficina de Marbella; International Portfolio Management; Edif. Cristamar B-Norte; E-29600 Marbella, Málaga; Tel. (00345) 2812035; Fax (00345) 2813766
Spanien; DB Credit; Gobelas, 47-49; La Florida; 28023 Madrid; Tel. (00341) 5893500; Fax (00341) 5893546
Spanien; DB Carplan; Gobelas, 47-49; La Florida; 28023 Madrid; Tel. (00341) 5893500; Fax (00341) 5893546
Spanien; DB Gestión S.G.I.I.C.; Paseo de la Castellana, 18; 28046 Madrid; Tel. (00341) 3355800; Fax (00341) 3355868
Spanien; DB Inmuebles; Vial Interpolar del Vallés s/n; Parc d’Activitats Económiques; Can Sant Joan; 08190 Sant Cugat del Vallés; Tel. (00343) 5818181; Fax (00343) 5818544
Spanien; DB Securities Sociedad de Valores; Paseo de la Castellana, 18; 28046 Madrid; Tel. (00341) 3355544; Fax (00341) 3355593
Spanien; DB Seguros; Vial Interpolar del Vallés s/n; Parc d’Activitats Económiques; Can Sant Joan; 08190 Sant Cugat del Vallés; Tel. (00343) 5818181; Fax (00343) 5818544
Spanien; DB Servicios de Consultoria/Informática; Vial Interpolar del Vallés s/n; Parc d’Activitats Económiques; Can Sant Joan; 08190 Sant Cugat del Vallés; Tel. (00343) 5818181; Fax (00343) 5818544
Sri Lanka; Deutsche Bank AG Colombo Branch; P.O. Box 314; 86 Galle Road; Colombo 3; Tel. (0094) 1/447062-65; Fax (0094) 1/447067
Südafrika; Deutsche Bank AG Representative Office; P.O. Box 7736; Johannesburg 2000; 4th Floor, JHI House; 11 Cradock Ave/Cnr. Baker Street; Rosebank 2196; Tel. (002711) 788-5225; Fax (002711) 7885290
Taiwan; Deutsche Bank AG Taipei Branch; P.O. Box 87-340; 10/F, No. 296; Jen-Ai Road, Sec. 4; Taipei; Taiwan; Tel. (00886) 2/755-3838; Fax
(00886) 2/755-2810
Taiwan; Deutsche Bank Capital Markets (Asia) Limited Hong Kong; Representative Office Taipei; 10/F, No 296; Jen Ai Road; Sec. 4, Taipei 10650; Taiwan, R.O.C.; Tel. (00886) 2/704-5454; Fax (00886) 2/704-5455
Thailand; Deutsche Bank AG Bangkok Branch; G.P.O. Box 1237; Bangkok 10501; 208 Wireless Road; Bangkok 10330; Tel. (0066) 2/651- 5000; Fax (0066) 2/651-5151
Tschechische Republik; Deutsche Bank AG Filiale Prag; P.O. Box 829; CZ-11121 Praha 1; Jungmannova 34; CZ-11000 Praha 1; Tel. (00422) 24212857; Fax (00422) 24225727
Türkei; Deutsche Bank AG Representative Office; P.K. 194; 80222 Sisli-Istanbul; Mete Caddesi No. 34; Necip Akar Is Hani Kat 2; 80090 Taksim-Istanbul; Turkey; Tel. (0090212) 2937481; Fax (0090212) 2495355
Ukraine; Deutsche Bank AG Repräsentanz Kiew; wul. Schowkowitschna 26; 252024 Kiew; Tel. (007044) 2907301; Fax (007044) 2906266
Ungarn; Deutsche Bank AG Repräsentanz Budapest; Vaci Utca 7; H-1052 Budapest; Tel. (00361) 1189322; Fax (00361) 1185018
USA; Deutsche Bank AG New York Branch; P.O. Box 890; New York, NY 10101-0890; 31 West 52nd Street; New York, NY 10019; Tel. (001212) 474-8000; Fax (001212) 474-8560
USA; Deutsche Bank AG Chicago Branch; AT & T Corporate Center; 227 West Monroe, Suite 4350; Chicago, IL 60606; Tel. (001312) 578-4100; Fax (001312) 578-4111
USA; Deutsche Bank AG Los Angeles Branch; 550 South Hope Street, Suite 1850; Los Angeles, CA 90071; Tel. (001213) 627-8200; Fax (001213) 627-9779
USA; Deutsche Bank Securities Corporation; 31 West 52nd Street; New York, NY 10019; Tel. (001212) 474-7000; Fax (001212) 474-7014
USA; Deutsche Bank Securities Corporation (C. J. Lawrence); 1290 Avenue of the Americas; New York, NY 10104; Tel. (001212) 468-5000; Fax (001212) 468-5491
USA; Deutsche Bank Financial Products Corp.; 31 West 52nd Street; New York, NY 10019; Tel. (001212) 474-7401; Fax (001212) 474- 6753
USA; Deutsche Bank Realty Advisors, Inc.; 31 West 52nd Street; New York, NY 10019; Tel. (001212) 474-7100; Fax (001212) 474-7199
USA; DBAG Economic Adviser; 31 West 52nd Street; New York, NY 10019; Tel. (001212) 474-7030; Fax (001212) 474-7037
USA; Bain Securities Inc.; 1290 Avenue of the Americas; New York, NY 10104; Tel. (001212) 468-5900; Fax (001212) 468-5910
USA; Deutsche Bank Sharps Pixley Inc.; 31 West 52nd Street; New York, NY 10019; Tel. (001212) 474-8064; Fax (001212) 474-6919
USA; Sharps Pixley Brokers Inc.; 31 West 52nd Street; New York, NY 10019; Tel. (001212) 474-7920; Fax (001212) 474-6918
USA; Deutsche Asset Management GmbH; 1290 Avenue of the Americas; New York, NY 10104; Tel. (001212) 468-5407; Fax (001212) 468- 5832
USA; Deutsche Credit Corporation; P.O. Box 329; 2333 Waukegan Road; Deerfield, IL 60015-0329; Tel. (001708) 948-7272; Fax (001708) 948-5058
Usbekistan; Deutsche Bank AG Repräsentanz Taschkent; Turob Tula; Kutschasi 1; 700003 Tashkent; Tel. (0073712) 457302; Fax (0073712) 891554
Venezuela; Representación del Deutsche Bank AG; Apartado 52144; Torre Phelps, piso 21; Plaza Venezuela - Los Caobos; Caracas 1050-A;
Tel. (00582) 781-5654; Fax (00582) 782-2557
Vietnam; Hanoi Representative Office; P.O. Box 88; 25 Tran Binh Trong Street; Hanoi; Socialist Republic of Vietnam; Tel. (00844) 268554/55; Fax (00844) 268652
Vietnam; Ho Chi Minh City Representative Office; 174, Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street; 3rd District; Ho Chi Minh City; S.R. Vietnam; Tel. (00848) 222747; Fax (00848) 222760