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Indien - Rußland

Indien; Deutsche Bank AG Bangalore Branch; Post Box 5002; Raheja Towers; 26-27 M. G. Road; Bangalore 560001; India; Tel. (0091) 80- 5594488; Fax (0091) 80-5594388

Indien; Deutsche Bank AG Bombay Branch; Post Box 1142; Hazarimal Somani Marg, Fort; Bombay 400001; Tel. (009122) 2854720-24; Fax (009122) 2045047

Indien; Deutsche Bank AG New Delhi Branch; Post Bag 33; Tolstoy House; 15-17 Tolstoy Marg; New Delhi 110001; India; Tel. (009111) 3313629; Fax (009111) 3316237

Indien; Deutsche Software (India) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore; 3rd Floor; Ramanashree Arcade; 18 M.G. Road; Bangalore 560001; India; Tel. (0091812) 582470; Fax (0091812) 582457

Indien; Deutsche Bank AG Financial Services (India) Ltd.; Raheja Towers; West Wing; Ground Floor - Mezzanine; 27-27 M. G. Road; Bangalore 560001; Tel. (0091) 80-5594488; Fax (0091) 80-5594388

Indonesien; Deutsche Bank AG Jakarta Branch; P.O. Box 1135; Jakarta 10011; Deutsche Bank Building; 80 Jl. Imam Bonjol; Jakarta 10310; Tel. (0062) 21/331092; Fax (0062) 21/335252

Indonesien; Deutsche Bank AG Surabaya Branch; P.O. Box 456; Surabaya 60001; 141, J1. Jend.; Basuki Rakhmat; Surabaya 60271; Indonesia; Tel. (006231) 41289; Fax (006231) 516272

Indonesien; P.T. DB Leasing Indonesia; P.O. Box 3550; Jakarta 10001; Deutsche Bank Building, 7th Floor; 80 Jl. Imam Bonjol; Jakarta 10310; Tel. (0062) 21/332820; Fax (0062) 21/333965

Iran; Deutsche Bank AG Representative Office; P.O. Box 15815-3378; Ave. Boucharest, 5th Street No. 25; Teheran; Tel. (009821) 8713676; Fax (009821) 8862865

Irland; DBCC Asset Management Ltd.; 25 Windsor Place; Lower Pembroke Street; Dublin 2; Tel. (0035316) 619773; Fax (0035316) 619591

Italien; Deutsche Bank S.p.A. Hauptsitz Mailand; 20122 Milano; Via Borgogna, 8; Tel. (0039) 2/77951; Fax (0039) 2/40242636

Italien; Deutsche Bank Factoring S.p.A.; 20154 Milano; Via Tocqueville, 11; Tel. (0039) 2/6596461-4; Fax (0039) 2/6595465

Italien; Deutsche Bank Fondi S.p.A.; 20122 Milano; Via Borgogna, 8; Tel. (0039) 2/77952437; Fax (0039) 2/77952408

Italien; Deutsche Bank Leasing S.p.A.; 29146 Milano; Via Trivulzio, 5; Tel. (0039) 2/48081; Fax (0039) 2/4989668

Italien; Deutsche Bank Securities Sim S.p.A.; - Societa di Intermediazione Mobiliare -; 20121 Milano; Via del Gallo, 6; Tel. (0039) 2/86379888; Fax (0039) 2/86379782

Italien; DB Vita S.p.A.; 20121 Milano; Manzoni, 5; Tel. (0039) 2/88052057; Fax (0039) 2/88052189

Japan; Deutsche Bank AG Tokyo Branch; C.P.O. Box 1430; Tokyo 100-91; Deutsche Bank Building; 12-1, Toranomon 3-chome; Minato-ku, Tokyo 105; Japan; Tel. (00813) 5401-1971; Fax (00813) 5401-6900

Japan; Deutsche Bank AG Nagoya Branch; C.P.O. Box 132; Nagoya 450-91; Nagoya AT Building (2F); 1-18-22, Nishiki; Naka-ku, Nagoya 460; Tel. (008152) 203-5281; Fax (008152) 203-5280

Japan; Deutsche Bank AG Osaka Branch; P.O. Box 215; Osaka-Higashi 540-91; (Postal address); 8-12, Honmachi 1-chome; Chuo-ku; Osaka 541; Tel. (00816) 266-1977; Fax (00816) 266-1985

Japan; Deutsche Bank AG Capital Markets (Asia) Ltd. Tokyo Branch; C.P.O. Box 1011; Tokyo 100-91; Deutsche Bank Building; 12-1, Toranomon 3-chome; Minato-ku, Tokyo 105; Japan; Tel. (00813) 5401-1986; Fax (00813) 5401-6900

Japan; Bain & Company Limited London; ARK Mori Building, 22nd Floor; 12/32 Akasaka 1-Chome; Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107; Tel. (3) 35894114; Fax (3) 35894810

Japan; DB Morgan Grenfell Asset Management Ltd.; 19th Floor; Akasaka Park Building; 5-2-20, Akasaka; Minato-ku Tokyo 107; Japan; Tel. (03) 5573-8811; Fax (03) 5573-8866

Kanada; Deutsche Bank Canada; P.O. Box 196; 222 Bay Street; Suite 1200; Toronto, Ontario; M5K 1H6; Tel. (001416) 369-8800; Fax (001416) 3673290

Kanada; McLean McCarthy Inc.(Montreal); 1501 McGill College Av.; Suite 1650; Montreal, Quebec; H3A 3M8; Tel. (001514) 286-5151; Fax (001514) 286-0298

Kanada; McLean McCarthy Inc.(Toronto); 222 Bay Street, P.O. Box 64; Toronto-Dominion Centre; Toronto, Ontario; M5K 1E7; Tel. (001416) 3625151; Fax (001416) 3680085

Kasachstan; Deutsche Bank AG Repräsentanz Alma-Ata; 10a Prospect Abai; 480013 Alma-Ata; Tel. (0073272) 638550; Fax (0073272) 630950

Kolumbien; Oficina de Representación Deutsche Bank AG; Carrera 7 No. 32-33 piso 12; Apartado Aéreo 8597; Santafé de Bogota; Kolumbien; Tel. (00571) 2842519; Fax (00571) 2842938

Korea; Deutsche Bank AG Seoul Branch; C.P.O. Box 8904; 100-689; Daedhan Fire and Marine Insurance Building; 51-1 Namchang-dong; Chung-ku, Seoul; 100-060; Tel. (0082) 2/7543071; Fax (0082) 2/7552364

Korea; Deutsche Bank AG Pusan Branch; Pusan P.O. Box 789; 600-607; Korea Developm. Bank Bldg. 44, 2-ka Chungang-dong; Chung-ku, Pusan; 600-012; Tel. (0082) 51/2468971-75; Fax (0082) 51/2423172

Korea; Deutsche Bank Capital Markets (Asia) Ltd. Seoul; Representative Office; Daehan Fire and Marine Insurance Building; 51-1, Namchang- dong; Chung-ku; Seoul 100-689; Tel. (0082) 2/734-9361; Fax (0082) 2/738-6842

Luxemburg; Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A.; Boîte Postale 586; L-2015 Luxembourg; 2, Boulevard Konrad Adenauer; L-1115 Luxembourg; Tel. (00352) 42122-1; Fax (00352) 42122-449

Luxemburg; Europäische Hypothekenbank S.A.; Boîte Postale 911; L-2019 Luxembourg; 25 B, Boulevard Royal; L-2449 Luxembourg; Tel. (00352) 463312-1; Fax (00352) 470807

Luxemburg; DB Investment Management S.A. (DBIM); Boîte Postale 766; L-2017 Luxembourg; 2, Boulevard Konrad Adenauer; L-1115 Luxembourg; Tel. (00352) 42101-1; Fax (00352) 42101-889

Macau; Deutsche Bank AG Macau Branch; 1L-1LB; Avenida Almeida Ribeiro; 7/F Nam Wah; Commercial Edificio; Macau; Tel. (00853) 378440; Fax (00853) 304939

Malaysia; Deutsche Bank AG Kuala Lumpur Branch; P.O. Box 12211; 50770 Kuala Lumpur; Apera-ULG Centre; 84, Jalan Raja Chulan; 50200 Kuala Lumpur; Tel. 00603-2610799; Fax 00603-2610828

Mexiko; Deutsche Bank AG Representación en México; Apartado Postal 14 bis; 06000 México D.F.; Campos Eliseos 345, 11. piso; Colonia Chapultepec Polanco; 11560 México, D.F.; Tel. (00525) 2814404; Fax (00525) 2804900

Neuseeland; Bain & Company Limited London; Level 8, Barclays House; 36 Customhouse Quay; Wellington; New Zealand; Tel. (644) 4712520; Fax (644) 4712638

Niederlande; Deutsche Bank de Bary N.V.; Postbus 268; 1000 AG Amsterdam; Herengracht 450; 1017 CA Amsterdam; Tel. (0031) 20/5554911; Fax (0031) 20/5554428

Niederlande; Niederlassung Rotterdam; Postbus 1711; 3000 BS Rotterdam; Westplein 12; 3016 BM Rotterdam; Tel. (0031) 10/4366400; Fax (0031) 10/4368017

Niederlande; Europ. Hypothekenbank; S.A. Representative Office in the Netherlands; Herengracht 450-454; 1017 CA Amsterdam; Tel. (0031) 20/6237115; Fax (0031) 20/6238623

Niederl. Antillen; Deutsche Bank Finance N.V.; P.O. Box 812; Plasa Smeets 6; Willemstad; Curaçao; Tel. (00599) 9/612369; Fax (00599) 9/322500

Österreich; Deutsche Bank (Austria) AG; und Deutsche Bank (Austria) Kapitalanlageges. m.b.H. Wien; Postfach 8; 1013 Wien; Hohenstaufengasse 4; 1010 Wien; Tel. (00431) 53181-0; Fax (00431) 53181-14

Österreich; Deutsche Bank (Austria) AG Salzburg; Universitätsplatz 3/ Getreidegasse 31 (1. OG); A-5010 Salzburg; Tel. (0043) 662/8491710; Fax ---

Pakistan; Deutsche Bank AG Karachi Branch; P.O. Box 4925; Unitowers - Unicentre; I. I. Chundrigar Road; Karachi; Tel. (009221) 2419611- 20; Fax (009221) 2416970

Pakistan; Deutsche Bank AG Lahore Branch; Escorts House; 26-Davis Road; Sir Agha Khan Road; Lahore; Tel. (009242) 6364440-45; Fax (009242) 6364424

Philippinen; Deutsche Bank AG Manila Offshore Branch; MC P.O. Box 3404; 1274 Makati, Metro, Manila; 17/f BPI Paseo de Roxas Condominium; 8753 Paseo de Roxas; 1226 Makati, Metro, Manila; Tel. (0063) 2/8172961-65; Fax (0063) 2/8172861

Polen; Deutsche Bank AG Vertretung Warschau; Aleje Jerozolimskie 51, II; 00-697 Warszawa; Tel. (00482) 6280205; Fax (00482) 6285825

Portugal; Deutsche Bank de Investimento, S.A.; Rua Castilho, no 20; 1250 Lisboa; Tel. (01) 3111200; Fax (01) 3535241

Portugal; Sucursal Porto; Avenida da Boavista; 1361-2.; 4100 Porto; Tel. (02) 6065704; Fax (02) 6097813

Rußland; Deutsche Bank AG Representative Office (Moskau); ul. Ostoshenka 23; 119034 Moskau; Rußland; Tel. (007095) 201-29-88; Fax (007095) 200-12-27

Rußland; Deutsche Bank AG Representative Office (Petersburg); Kanal Gribojedowa 101; 190000 St. Petersburg; Rußland; Tel. (007812) 3150216; Fax (007812) 3150655

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