hide random home http://www.cuug.ab.ca:8001/~vermeuls/amuc.html (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)

AMUC's Home Page

Updated: 6-August-1995

AMUC is the Amiga Users of Calgary, the Amiga support resource for Southern Alberta and the inhabited parts of Western Canada.

AMUC meets once a month, on the third Wednesday evening starting at 19:00. The location is usually the Jenkins Theatre in Mt. Royal Colledge (alternate rooms are sometimes used when the Jenkins is booked for a class).

AMUC publishes a floppy disk based newsletter (two disks a month) and a paper newsletter (Run AMUC). The current newsletter disks are:

AMUC also publishes CDROMs containing Amiga freely distributable software. These are cut from our BBS whenever its hard drives fill up. Currently there are three disks:

AMUC is building a database of companies and people in the Amiga Marketplace. This is open to anyone who wants to participate. The database will become a standard part of future AMUC CDROMs.

AMUC just presented Amijam'95, an Amiga trade show for Western Canada. The dates were: July 15 and 16th 1995. If you missed it, you missed a great Amiga time!

Reports and pictures about Amijam'95 are being assembled here.

AMUC runs a seven line BBS called The AMUC Express. This is a full service BBS for AMUC members, although it is possible to get a free account but with much reduced access. The AMUC Express runs IceBBS software.

Links to other stuff

The Author

Stephen Vermeulen is the author/editor of this set of home pages, as well as being the head Sysop of AMUC Express and the author of the IceBBS software for the Amiga.