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4 - Recommendations for writers

4.1 - Use the format Catalogues

Although FrameMaker allows writers to highlight character and format paragraphs with locally defined properties, this is certainly not advisable; the maintenance of such documents is unnecessarily difficult. Furthermore, such character and paragraph formats cannot be translated logically according to a user specified configuration.

There is no limit on the numbers of formats that may be put into the FrameMaker paragraph and character catalogues, or in the number that WebMaker can handle. Writers are therefore encouraged to define and register as many paragraph formats as necessary. Global modifications may cause the loss of any existent local formatting information. Also, a writer can specify appropriately different actions to be taken for different format tags only if these are catalogued under different names.

First International WWW Conference, May 1994

BR, MR - CERN PTG - 31 May 1994

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