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The WorldWideWeb Virtual Library: Literature


Features | Departments | Directories | FAQ | Sponsorship

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Serverspace is provided courtesy of Sunsite, a joint project of Sun Microsystems and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

Welcome to "the granddaddy of book-related resources on the Internet"! (Publishers' Weekly, June 1995)

Book of the Week: CHALLENGER'S HOPE by David Feintuch (Warner Aspect)

A WWW edition of the Publishers Weekly ABA Show Daily is available, thanks to BookWire, Inc.

Features (under construction)

(the list of future features is notional; I may do some or none of them, depending on how much time I have; suggestions welcome)

January 1995: the 1994 Ibbies (Internet Book Information Center Awards)

February 1995: Books for the Twenty-First Century

August 1995: the 50th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki


WHAT'S NEW FOR BOOK-LOVERSAn occasional Web-letter to my fellow book-lovers, drawing your attention to selected new books and Internet resources related to books. Submissions welcome to ibic@sunsite.unc.edu. Be aware that it can take weeks before I get an opportunity to post your announcement.

FAQ--Frequently Asked Questions about IBIC.


The Commonplace Book (n.): an edited collection of striking passages noted in a single place for future reference. The idea of this experimental Commonplace Book home page is to test the concept of an Internet Commonplace Book built by and available to a wide variety of users.

Letters to the Editor You are encouraged send mail to ibic@sunsite.unc.edu to recommend additional resources for these pages, to draw my attention to links that do not appear to be working properly, or to offer specific or general comments about how the design, organization, and usability of this resource might be improved. Naturally, kudos are also welcome. Dialogue with my fellow book-lovers is part of what makes this fun for me!

Editor's Journal Journal (n.) A record of experiences, ideas, or reflections kept regularly for private use. I publish this Journal as a way of documenting and organizing what I have read and why I read it. Review copies are welcome.

About the Internet Book Information Center


The IBIC homepage for May 30--June 27, 1995 is sponsored by: Book Public Relations Agency
226 East Canon Perdido, Suite B
Santa Barbara, CA 93103
Fax (805)-965-6522
Fax On Demand (805) 96FAXIT

Offices in Santa Barbara, Hollywood, and New York

Celebrating its 10th anniversary of service to book-lovers!

For information about how to sponsor the human effort that goes into maintaining the IBIC homepage, see the FAQ on sponsorship or send e-ma il to ibic@sunsite.unc.edu, subject line "Sponsor".

Internet e-mail: ibic@sunsite.unc.edu