Schools online?
Edward Henning suggests that the Internet has more potential to hinder the educational process than to help it.
Web Masters
Using Internet technology over a local area network allows students and teachers to share information and applications using a common browser interface, but the equipment and time don't always come cheap. Education Direct gets to grips with implementing an intranet and asks if it is what your school really, really wants or needs
Tome Raiders
Books may have more academic credence, but an encyclopaedia on CD-Rom can offer the same information, as well as sound, video and the ability to regularly update entries...all on one neat package. Fiona Corless leafs through some multimedia libraries on compact disc
The Global School
Mark East of Microsoft envisions an exciting IT-powered future for children and parents alike as
they benefit from a shared learning vision. In fact, if the funds can be raised the possibilities are endless...
Power Tools
Using PCs can deliver excellent results for students with disabilities, and there are several affordable products available direct to support their needs. Alex Cruickshank has a look at what the PC industry can offer people with mixed abilities who want to learn
Send A Hit Squad Into The DEE
Eugene Lacey asks if now is the time for the 'hit squads' to leave teachers to get on with their jobs and go after the Department of Education and Employment instead