The World's Most Diverse Computer Graphics Community Convenes
in the Planet's Most Cosmopolitan City
SIGGRAPH 97, the 24th annual international
conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques, will be held in
Los Angeles at the Los Angeles Convention Center, 3-8 August 1997. More
than 40,000 people will explore the ultimate in digital imagination,
scientific jamming, and interactive adventures through a comprehensive
technical program, three-day exhibition, and special venues focusing on
art, animation, applications, and interactivity.
SIGGRAPH 97 cordially extends an invitation to qualified media representatives
to attend this six-day computer fest.
What's in 97
Several new programs will join the traditional SIGGRAPH offerings of
Papers, Panels, Courses, Exhibition, Keynote Address, the Computer
Animation Festival, and the Art Show.
Community Outreach includes tours, talks, and "what to do at SIGGRAPH 97"
for newcomers: high school students and teachers, artists who want to
explore interactive technologies, technical industries that are just
beginning to adopt computer graphics tools, and students and faculty at
colleges and universities in the LA area.
SIGGRAPH 97 offers matinée performances of the Electronic Theater to give
attendees more flexibility in arranging their personal schedules.
Bilingual Panels. For the first time, SIGGRAPH 97 Panels will be
simultaneously interpreted into Japanese.
SIGGRAPH TV provides live events, recorded programming, and video
coverage of SIGGRAPH 97 and will be distributed throughout the Los Angeles
Convention Center, across North America via satellite, and globally on the
Creative Applications Lab demonstrates hardware and software in a
laboratory setting that supports hands-on experience with the topics,
techniques, and concepts presented at SIGGRAPH 97.
The Career Center hosts an all-day Job Fair on Wednesday, 6 August.
Online Panels. SIGGRAPH 97 offers panels that convene online before the conference.
Five technical program tracks help attendees interested in a particular topic schedule their time in the technical sessions.
SIGGRAPH 97 features 12 Paper
Sessions, including: Virtual Reality and Design; Surface Simplification;
Fur, Film, and Light; Texture and Reflection; and Non-Photorealistic
Sixteen Panels have been chosen, including: Can We Get There From Here?:
Current Challenges in Cloth Modeling, Design, and Animation; Motion Capture
and CG Character Animation; Putting a Human Face on Cyberspace: Designing
Avatars and the Virtual Worlds They Live In; Interfacing Reality: Exploring
Emerging Trends Between Humans and Machines; Narrative Environments:
Virtual Reality as a Storytelling Medium; and Facial Animation.
SIGGRAPH 97 features 35 Courses, including: Motion Capture in Practice;
Multiresolution Surface Modeling; Principles of Visual Perception and Its
Applications in Computer Graphics; Designing Real-Time Graphics for
Entertainment; and Digital Color.
Art, design, and technology combine in the Electric Garden to create the
world's most exciting, most seductive interactive computer applications and
interface designs. The Electric Garden features the best work from a
global community of installations from industry, education, and
entertainment. It is a place where SIGGRAPH attendees can experience
and celebrate these new, spectacular interactive technologies.
Ongoings: The Fine Arts Gallery presents an in-depth look at computer-based artists and their work.
A Special Session, New Realities in Film Production: The Process of
Creating Digital Visual Effects, brings creative leaders and innovators
from the Industry together to confront realistic production challenges at various
stages of the development process, from concept through post-production,
and explore solutions that rely on today's
(and tomorrow's) technologies.
A Special Session, A Framework for Realistic Image Synthesis, reviews a
proposed research framework to support development of physically based
lighting models and perceptually based rendering procedures for computer
graphics that will produce synthetic images that are visually and
measurably indistinguishable from real-world images.
The Exhibition: the world's largest annual exposition of the leading computer graphics technologies, products, and services presented by the industry's established leaders and emerging vendors.
For information about registration, contact:
SIGGRAPH 97 Conference Management
Smith, Bucklin & Associates, Inc.
401 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60611 USA
+1.312.321.6876 fax
To purchase exhibition space, contact:
SIGGRAPH 97 Exhibition Management
Hall-Erickson, Inc.
150 Burlington Avenue
Clarendon Hills, Illinois, 60514 USA
+1.630.850.7843 fax
For information about media, contact:
Sheila Hoffmeyer/Ann Kilhoffer
SIGGRAPH 97 Media Relations
Smith, Bucklin & Associates, Inc.
401 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60611 USA
+1.312.527.6657 fax
SIGGRAPH 97 Committee