Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a plug-in program to participate in the Online Panel discussions?
No, all you need a forms-capable Web browser like Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
What is the difference between the "Join" and "Login" options?
Use the "Join" option to record your name and personal information with the Online Panels discussion program. The benefits of joining Online Panel discussions are described in response to the following question.
After you Join, use the "Login" option each time you return to the Online Panel discussions. This allows the discussion program to identify you and sort new messages from those you have read previously.
If you not wish to join, use neither option. You may still participate in the Online Panel discussions by recording your name and email address for each message you post to a discussion thread.
What are the benefits "joining" Online Panels?
When you use the "Join" option, you can record personal information including your name, email address, a short biography, URL, and a list of favorite URLs that other panel participants can access by clicking on your hot-linked name in a message post. As a member, you can also log in to Online Panels more quickly and freely post messages to discussion threads without typing your name and email address for each message.
By joining, you can also "subscribe" to panel discussion forums or to individual threads. The Web Crossing conference software will keep track of the messages you've already seen so you can quickly use the "Check Messages" button to check for newly posted material.
Why does a "delete" button appear next to my posted message?
The Web Crossing forum software lets you review and change or delete your posted message within 30 minutes after the message is received. Other discussion contributors will not see this delete option beside your message posts.
When I post a message, why does it not immediately appear in the discussion thread?
SIGGRAPH 97 Online Panels are moderated by the various panel members and organizers. A panel moderator will review and respond to your post within a few days of your contribution.