A Letter from Ted
Gateway will blow into 1997 with a new look we hope you will like. We'll pack our cases with the latest technology -- things like ever-larger hard drives, oodles of memory, blazing CPUs
and software that's more muscular and embraces the 3-D and 32-bit trends.

Industry News
With the help of his crystal ball,
Rob Cheng makes some bold predictions for 1997.

What's A
Company To Do?

Which operating system is right
for you and your company?
Fred Davis from Windows Magazine
outlines the pros and cons of
Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT.

The Gateway Solo 2100 Notebook
Get the goods on our hot new addition to the Gateway Solo line.

Gateway Select
Tired of muddling through difficult sofware apps?
Now the Gateway Select seal takes the guesswork out of your software purchases

Watch Out Dell & Compaq
Gateway took the government marktet by storm in just one year.
Find out how we did it!

Check out the only spot for the latest and greatest PC technology.

Technology In The Classroom
First graders in Harrisonville, MO., found out it pays to think big!
They previewed the Destination Big Screen PC earlier this year.

PC Moos for Kids
Anther junior PC buff reviews great software from Kid's BackPack III.
Try to solve our pictograph, too!

Customer Profile
"The Otherside" takes flight with the Destination Big Screen PC.

Windows 95 Tips
Boost your 14.4 fax/modem performance, customize your sound schemes,
and eliminate registry errors and extra drivers with these tips.

On-line Tips
Surf the Net more efficiently with these easy pointers.

Geek's Corner
Optimize your PC for MS Windows NT.

Tech Tips
Maximize your PC performance with these helpful hints.

Tech Tips 101
Phil gets down to PC basics.

GW2k Credits

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