computer kickS & trickS Greetings Earthling! Congratulations on finding your way to the PC Moos For Kids pages. We have another great software review for you. his time we selected two fun and educational titles from our Kid's BackPack III software bundle: Putt Putt Goes To The Moon and Sesame Street: Get Set To Learn! Caitlin Cosgrove is our guest reviewer this month. Caitlin is 6 years old and she lives in McCook Lake, South Dakota. She'll be starting first grade at Sacred Heart School in Sioux City, Iowa, just about the time you read this. Caitlin digs soccer, likes to draw, and jams to her boom box. Read on to find out what she thought of the two software programs.
putt putt goes to the moon
putt putt goes to the moon
Putt Putt is a talking car from Cartown, U.S.A. He is invited to a fireworks factory where he gets to help his friend make fireworks. Be careful though. If you click on the wrong thing, Putt Putt gets put inside one of the fireworks and he blasts off to the moon. On the moon he meets lots of different friends and goes exploring. He meets Rover, a land rover the astronauts left on the moon, who wants to get back to Earth. Putt Putt and Rover have to find different parts of a rocket, like the steering wheel and space fuel, to fly it back to Earth. You get to look in different places, like the city hall and a diner, and when you click on different objects Putt Putt tells you about them. Sometimes they give you clues to find the parts of the rocket you need. When you find all the stuff, you get to fix the rocket and help Putt Putt and Rover get back to Cartown, U.S.A. This software is for kids from 3 to 8.
Putt Putt is a talking car from Cartown, U.S.A. He is invited to a fireworks factory where he gets to help his friend make fireworks. Be careful though. If you click on the wrong thing, Putt Putt gets put inside one of the fireworks and he blasts off to the moon. On the moon he meets lots of different friends and goes exploring. He meets Rover, a land rover the astronauts left on the moon, who wants to get back to Earth. Putt Putt and Rover have to find different parts of a rocket, like the steering wheel and space fuel, to fly it back to Earth. You get to look in different places, like the city hall and a diner, and when you click on different objects Putt Putt tells you about them. Sometimes they give you clues to find the parts of the rocket you need. When you find all the stuff, you get to fix the rocket and help Putt Putt and Rover get back to Cartown, U.S.A. This software is for kids from 3 to 8.Sesame Street: Get Set To Learn!
Five different Sesame Street hosts introduce you to five different learning games: Kooky Cookie Game; What Size Is Your Prize; Dunk or Dare; Count It Up! Up! Up!; and Match the Moons. All of the games are real easy to get around in, but you might want to have an adult get it started for you the first time. These games are for kids ages 3 to 6. Once you get going, the Sesame Street characters tells you what you need to do to play the game. I only have room to tell you about three of the games. I liked Dunk or Dare best. To play this game you either put more trash in, or take some out, depending on what Oscar tells you to do. It's really adding and subtracting, but it doesn't seem like it. I'm going to tell my first grade teacher that I already know how to do math. I also really liked Count von Count's game, Match the Moons.He talks funny and it's fun to imitate him. For this game you have to count the moons in one box and match that number to one of three other boxes with the same number. The Big Bird game is called Count it Up! Up! Up! You have to count the number of objects in a tree and then click the correct number at the bottom There's a prize meter that runs the whole time you're playing. When it's full, you win a prize just like they do on game shows on TV. I kept all my prizes in a treasure chest and at the end I got to see all the prizes I raked in. Plus there's a bonus! I could play these CDs in my CD player. Along with the five games, there are three super cool songs on this CD too!
Dot-To-Dot & What Not! Let's see if we can stump you on either of these games! First you have a dot-to-dot picture to solve. Start with the number 1 and just follow the dots. Can you guess what it is before you connect the dots? We give you a clue in the second game.
(Try right clicking the image with your mouse. You may be able to save the image to a file and print it.)
The next game is called a pictograph. Use the words and pictures you see here to make a sentence. When you're done with our pictograph try to think of sentences you know from stories or rhymes and make your own word and picture sentence. It's fun!
You Make Me Laugh! We're looking for more jokes and funny stories! Do you know any jokes about cows or computers? Or have you had a funny experience with your Gateway 2000 computer? Let us know. You can even send us a funny picture designed on your computer or drawn on your own. We like to laugh around here, and we think you like to have fun too. So don't be shy! Send us a laugh. As always, we'll send you your very own cow-spotted Gateway 2000 T-shirt if we put your name in print. And don't worry. This shirt is cool -- no kidding!
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PC Moos For Kids
Gateway 2000
610 Gateway Drive
P.O. Box 2000, Mail Drop 23
North Sioux City, SD 57049-2000
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