Cool "Cow"bweb Sites
- Big Dave's Cow Page. Pictures, sounds, name it, Dave's got it!
- Welcome to MooCow, where all your bovine dreams come true.
- Be sure to drop by, a dynamic dairy adventure!
- Check out MooCity, the biggest cow town in the West.
- Opt the cow's page, Cows Caught in the Web. Ack! That's gotta be a darn big spider!
- CowTown America, the most happening place around!
- got milk? - where's your mustache?
Speaking in Cow Tongues
- These song lyrics will "moo-ve" you to tears!
- Check out these bovine poets.
- Add to the Round Cow stories.
Steer Subscriptions
- Maybe imitated, but never duplicated...the Cow 'Zine.
- Life isn't the same without your morning Cow Fact!
- The Moosletter!
- Here's a cowpie in your eye! Cowz. A Cattle Oriented BBS.
Candid Cow Camera
- Way cool ASCII Art.
- More ASCII creations in The Complete Guide to Cows. Don't miss it!
- Nothing's more exciting than the Cow Car.
- Meet Opt, the creator of Cows Caught in the Web. (courtesy of Opt and Neil)
- And here's Opt's Herd! (courtesy of Opt and Neil)
- Don't miss this Halloween getup! (courtesy of Chris Lehr)
Pasture Play
- The wildly popular, ever-classic Cow Screensaver!
- Dogcow, a recommended daily allowance for your desktop.
Facts about our Spotted Friends
- Little known facts about our favorite cow, the Holstein.
- Don't miss our cool Spot Shop!
- A Cowpen with eyes??
- Pigs & Pearls & Udder Things
- Holy Cow!.
- You've got to see it to believe it...the Cow Pottie.
Hey all you cow lovers out there! If you have any cool cow sites/art/stuff etc., mail us the info at Webmaster Central and we'll consider it for Cow Corner. Gateway 2000 does not take any responsibility for the contents of the above links. For additional information, please see our legal disclaimer.
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