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Mac Picasso 540

 The modular, ultimate solution for the Mac !

 MacPicasso 540 baseboard is:

 But first of all, it is modular!

"One for all, all for one!"

This means the user can:

 The fully expanded board takes up to two PCI slots. Thanks to the direct local connection between the different modules, the MacPicasso 540 allows to reach speeds never seen with seperated stand alone products.


MacPicasso 540 baseboard provides:

MacPicasso 540 baseboard benchmark ratings (MacBench):

10% faster compared to ATI XclaimVR;
20% slower compared to IMS TwinTurbo128.

Test machine configuration:

UMAX Pulsar, 225MHz 604e, 16MB RAM
Resolution: 1152 x 870, 75Hz, millions of colors


 3D Overdrive modules

3D Overdrive I

 3D Overdrive II (3D Overkill)

Adds up to 3 64bit ultra high speed processors with 400 MB/s bandwidth working simulteanously. Each of them is able to address 4MB of memory that, added to the standard 4MB of the graphics board, brings up to 16 MB of memory†with 4 processors in all!

Thanks to the local buses MacPicasso 540 features 2 GByte/s of memory bandwidth.


 Pablo II encoder module 

The Pablo II video encoder allows to have, at the same time, an Y/C video output and a monitor output, in top quality.


 Audio/Video module

Consisting of:

Alltogether, this makes the real Audio/Video difference! Combined with the Pablo II video encoder brings a full featured Input/Output video processing system monitor output, in top quality.


MacPicasso 540 FOCUS

MacPicasso 540 by VillageTronic:
The modular, ultimate solution for the Mac !

 Best price/performance relation!

 Our spectacular modular design targets at the DTP market mainly with it’s baseboard whilst it’s versatility and upgradability also keeps the needs of a fast growing 3D and MultiMedia market in mind.


Standard resolutions

ResolutionColorsMonitor SizeVertical Frequency (Hz)Horizontal Frequency (kHz)
384x512B/W, gray, 256, thousands, millions12"6024.5
640x480B/W, gray, 256, thousands, millions14"60, 67, 72, 75, 86, 100, 16035, 37.5, 38, 45, 50, 84
640x870B/W, gray, 256, thousands, millionsFull page7568.8
800x600B/W, 256, thousands, millions15"60.3, 72, 85, 10037.8, 48, 54, 62.5
832x624B/W, gray, 256, thousands, millions16"74.549.7
1024x768B/W, gray, 256, thousands, millions19"60, 75, 87i, 100i37.8, 48, 60.2, 80
1152x870B/W, gray, 256, thousands, millions21"7568.7
1280x1024B/W, gray, 256, thousandsn.d.61, 7464, 79
1600x1200B/W, gray, 256, thousandsn.d.96i62.5
768x576B/W, gray, 256, thousands, millionsPAL TV50i15.5
640x480B/W, gray, 256, thousands, millionsNTSC TV60i15.5


"Productivity Booster" auto-scroll virtual resolutions

ResolutionColorsMonitor SizeVertical Frequency (Hz)Horizontal Frequency (kHz)
640x960B/W, gray, 256, thousands, millions14"6735
832x1248B/W, gray, 256, thousands, millions16"74.549.7
1024x1536B/W, gray, 256, thousands19"7548
1152x1740B/W, gray, 256, thousands21"7567.7
1712x2432B/W, gray, 256, thousands21"7568.7
2432x1712B/W, gray, 256, thousands21"7568.7


Specifications may change without notice

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