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National Amiga Specials 960306

Week of March 6th, 1996 (960306)

All pricing in Canadian dollars.

                      B I T S   F R O M   G R E G
* I will be taking a short vacation from March 11th until March 17th.
  Email will go unaswered (for the most part) but most phone messages
  will be returned.
* Not a whole lot of new Amiga stuff, but some cheaper prices.
* I would like to expand upon my technical web section. Any additions
  you might have would be greatly appreciated! Your name will be
  credited on the web site with a link to your site if you like.
* For everyone who asked about Broadcaster Elite information, 
  Applied Magic now has thier own web site up at:
* RAM has fallen AGAIN! It's about 20% CHEAPER than it was last week!
* All orders placed BEFORE March 10th will include a free game!

                 N E W   G V P - M   E Q U I P M E N T
A1291-SCSI Option.....................................March '96..$139.95
A2000-040/33/0 33MHz G-Force 040 and SCSI-II for A2000..........$1449.95
A2000-040/40/0 40MHz G-Force 040 and SCSI-II for A2000..........$1699.95
A2000-060/50/0 50MHz G-Force 060 and SCSI-II for A2000..........$1899.95
A4000-040/40/0 40MHz G-Force 040 for A4000...........April '96..$1349.95
A4000-060/50/0 50MHz G-Force 060 for A4000 w/SCSI-II.March '96..$1899.95
A4008-HC8+ A2000/4000 SCSI Interface.............................$229.95
A2000 030-40/40/0 40MHz Combo 030 with 882 and SCSI..............$699.95
Hard-Disk Mount Kit for 030 and 040 Combos........................$69.95
DSS8+ Transparent 8-bit Sound Sampler............................$149.95
A1240 Falcon 25MHz 040 for A1200.................................$969.95
G-Lock NTSC......................................................$469.95
I/O Extender 1 Serial, 1 Parallel................................$199.95
IV-24 A2000 Adapter..............................................$109.95
SIMM-32 4 Meg 60ns for Combo and G-Force.........................$269.95
SIMM-32 16 Meg 60ns for Combo and G-Force........................$839.95
Spectrum 28/24 1 Meg.............................................$499.95
Spectrum 28/24 2 Meg.............................................$589.95
TBC+ TBC/Framegrabber............................................$879.95

                       M I S C E L L A N E O U S
Quantum 1280S Fireball 11ms 1.2 GIG SCSI-II/III Hard-Drive.......$469.95
Panasonic KX-P5400 Page LASER Printer with PostScript/HPII.......$499.95 *
Maximum Mods.. Over 4200 UNIQUE Mods on one CD-ROM!...............$39.95 *
ProPics 24-bit Royalty Free Pictures on CD........................$14.95 *
dataMIX CD-ROM with PD/Shareware, pictures, MODS, sound sample....$14.95 *
Aminet CD-ROM Set 2...............................................$59.95 *
Directory Opus 5..................................................$99.95 *
Ami-File-Safe User................................................$49.95 *

                       C D - R O M   D R I V E S
Pioneer Quad Speed SCSI Internal.................................$289.95
Pioneer Quad Speed SCSI Internal with ASIMCDFS...................$309.95
Sony Quad Speed SCSI Internal....................................$289.95
Sony Quad Speed SCSI Internal with ASIMCDFS......................$309.95
Toshiba Quad Speed SCSI XM5301 Internal..........................$329.95
Pioneer Quad Speed SCS 6-disc Changer 150ms 128k cache...........$649.95

                      M A G   I N N O V I S I O N
I've just started carrying these monitors. They are INCREDIBLE displays
for those of you with graphics cards (personally tested the 1795 on my
Spectrum) Information is available off my web site.

MAG DX1795 17" Monitor 30-65KHz, 60-120Hz  1280x1024NI, .26dp...$1149.95
MAG DX1595 15" Monitor 30-65Khz, 60-120Hz, 1280x1024NI, .28dp....$629.95

Link It! (serial version with free upgrade to parallel version)...$59.95 *
 Copy files from any drive or device to any other
 Convert files as you copy them!
 Supports SERIAL and PARALLEL transfers
 One terminal point-and-click interface
 Launch applications and command remotely
 Amiga versions support AREXX, GVP ioExtender, and the Multiface card.

                     R A M   -   N O   P A R I T Y
32 Meg 72-pin 60ns SIMM..........................................$709.95
16 Meg 72-pin 60ns SIMM..........................................$359.95
8 Meg 72-pin 70ns SIMM...........................................$194.95
4 Meg 72-pin 70ns SIMM...........................................$109.95

1 Meg 30-pin 70ns SIMM............................................$39.95
4 Meg 30-pin 70ns SIMM...........................................$129.95

256x4 (44256) 60ns DRAM...................................per chip $8.95
256x16 70ns DRAM.........................................per chip $19.95

CPU Fans..........................................................$14.95 *

4 Meg 72-pin 60ns SIMM...........................................$139.95
8 Meg 72-pin 60ns SIMM...........................................$219.95
16 Meg 72-pin 60ns SIMM..........................................$499.95
16 Meg 72-pin 70ns SIMM..........................................$429.95
32 Meg 72-pin 60ns SIMM..........................................$919.95

                  All are usually available next day.
                Parity SIMMs are available upon request.

PhotoGenics 1.25...................................Now in stock! $139.95 *
  24-bit painting and image manipulation software.
  Now with Toaster/Framestore and CyberGraphics support!

    U S E D   H A R D W A R E   -   3 0   D A Y   W A R R A N T Y
GVP SIMM32-60ns for G-Force and Combo Accelerators...............$200.00 *
DKB 3128 ZorroIII RAM Card for 3000/4000.........................$280.00 *
SupraModem 2400 (used, no power supply)...........................$20.00 *
MicroBotics 1200Z RAM Expansion 68881FPU/clock for A1200.........$100.00 *
Commodore 2091 SCSI Interface....................................$125.00 *
Commodore 2088 XT BridgeBoard with 5.25" drive (no software/man)..$30.00 *
Commodore 2088 XT BridgeBoard with no drive and no software/man...$15.00 *
Commodore 2286 AT BridgeBoard with 5.25" drive (software).........$80.00 *
Commodore 2232 7-port Serial Card................................$139.00 *
Synchro Express Hardware Copier...................................$29.95 *

Quantum 40 Meg SCSI 3.5"HH Hard-Drive.............................$35.00 *
Seagate 50 Meg SCSI 3.5"HH Hard-Drive.............................$35.00 *
170 Meg SCSI Hard-Drive 5.25"HH (makes a little noise)............$60.00 *
Seagate 410 Meg SCSI 3.5"HH Hard-Drive...........................$175.00 *
Conner 170 Meg SCSI Hard-Drive...................................$120.00
Quantum 100 Meg SCSI Hard-Drive..................................$100.00

GVP G-Force 040-33 for Amiga 2000, 1 serial, 1 parallel port.....$950.00 *
 SCSI Interface, 8 Megabytes RAM

Commodore 2060 Arcnet Card with 2M cable, terminators and T.......$89.95 *

Amiga 2000 (machine, keyboard, 1 floppy, KS 2.04)................$299.95 *
Amiga 2000, 1084 Monitor, 2091 Interface.........................$550.00 *
Amiga 3000-030/25. 2 meg CHIP RAM 4 Meg FAST RAM.................$800.00 *

* = Means in stock or arriving this week

All prices in Canadian dollars. Pricing and availability subject to
change without notice. Ask for our terms and policies. Currency
conversion is available from our web page.