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National Amiga Specials 960221

Week of February 21st, 1996 (960221)

All pricing in Canadian dollars.

                      B I T S   F R O M   G R E G
* I know one just went out earlier this week, but there have been
  some changes over the last few days as well as some new products
  just recently available.
* Also, some the used hardware was incorrectly priced. I appologize for
  that. Please re-check the list for that item you were hoping for :)
* This update will now be available via fax to those in the Toronto
  area. If you are already receiving this by email it won't make much
  difference to you, but if you know someone who does have a fax and
  would like to get this, please, let them know! I'd be quite happy
  to add them to the list. Leave a message at 905-845-1949.

AMIGA 1200's.....................................................$859.95
  Brand new COMMODORE Amiga 1200's. Recently imported from overseas,
  NTSC machines with a 1 year importers warranty on them. These
  are Commodore machines not ESCOM (those are STILL not available yet)
  Included games are Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix  and Zool 2!

                 These are limited quantity machines!

                    V L A B   A N D   T O C A T T A
VLab Motion (one ONLY!).........................................$2099.95
Toccata 16-bit Audio (ONE ONLY!).................................$599.95

     N A T I O N A L   A M I G A   N O W   D O E S   S E R V I C E
I have now contracted a service technician to take care of most Amiga
problems. This also covers monitors and most Commodore cards.

                       M I S C E L L A N E O U S
AMUC 2 & 3 CD Set.................................................$29.95
AMUC 4 CD-ROM.....................................................$29.95
Maximum Mods.. Over 4200 UNIQUE Mods on one CD-ROM!...............$39.95
PAWS 1200 Convert your 1200 into a portable... Available March..$3899.95
Gecko Video Converter..........................Available March...$719.95
PawsTRAC Trackball................................................$79.95
SuperDJC3 Colour Printer driver for all HP DeskJET's..............$79.95
SuperLJ4 600DPI PCL5 Printer Driver for HP4P and 4L...............$79.95
DJHelperTwo  Driver plus tooks for better control over DeskJET....$99.95

PhotoGenics 1.25.................................................$139.95
  24-bit painting and image manipulation software.
  Now with Toaster/Framestore and CyberGraphics support!

* I have been using this over the last few days and I am VERY impressed.
  The CyberGraphics support is phenominal and it's the fastest thing
  to load JPEGs on the Amiga (my opinion) I would highly recommend this
  to anyone looking for a great PhotoShop type application.

                  I N C R E D I B L E   D E A L S ! !
    U S E D   H A R D W A R E   -   3 0   D A Y   W A R R A N T Y
                   *   A L L   I N   S T O C K   *
SupraModem 2400 (used, no power supply)...........................$20.00
SupraModem 2400ZI Internal Modem (A2000/3000/4000)................$25.00 *
MicroBotics 1200Z RAM Expansion 68881FPU/clock for A1200.........$100.00
Commodore 2091 SCSI Interface....................................$125.00
Commodore 2091 SCSI Interface with 50 meg Hard-Drive.............$155.00 *
Commodore 2088 XT BridgeBoard with 5.25" drive (no software/man)..$30.00
Commodore 2088 XT BridgeBoard with no drive and no software/man...$15.00
Commodore 2286 AT BridgeBoard with 5.25" drive (software).........$80.00
Commodore 2232 7-port Serial Card................................$139.00 *
Commodore 1084S Monitor (many in stock)..........................$149.95

Quantum 50 Meg SCSI 3.5"LP Hard-Drive.............................$40.00
Quantum 40 Meg SCSI 3.5"HH Hard-Drive.............................$35.00
Seagate 50 Meg SCSI 3.5"HH Hard-Drive.............................$35.00
170 Meg SCSI Hard-Drive 5.25"HH (makes a little noise)............$60.00
Conner 200 Meg SCSI 3.5"HH Hard-Drive............................$100.00 *

GVP G-Force 040-33 for Amiga 2000, 1 serial, 1 parallel port.....$950.00 *
 SCSI Interface, 8 Megabytes RAM
GVP Combo 030 with 882 all at 33MHz, 4 meg RAM and SCSI..........$465.00 *
PP&S Zeus 040 at 28MHz with SCSI-II and 4 meg RAM................$800.00
Commodore 2620 68020 Accelerator for A2000 (2 meg RAM, 881FPU)...$150.00

Commodore 2060 Arcnet Card with 2M cable, terminators and T.......$89.95
Commodore 2065 Ethernet Card (taking orders)....................sold out

Amiga 2000 (machine, keyboard, 1 floppy, KS 2.04)................$299.95
Amiga 2000, 1084 Monitor, 2091 Interface.........................$550.00
Amiga 3000-030/25. 2 meg CHIP RAM 4 Meg FAST RAM.................$800.00 *

All prices in Canadian dollars. Pricing and availability subject to
change without notice. Ask for our terms and policies. Currency conversion
is available from our web page.