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National Amiga Specials 960216

Week of February 16th, 1996 (960216)

All pricing in Canadian dollars.

                      B I T S   F R O M   G R E G
* Well, as most people know, things have recently changed in Canada
  for the Amiga business. But this has not affected us in a negative
  way at all. It just means we have more to deal with. A lot more.
* I have an incredible amount of used hardware around here and I am
  blowing it out cheaply. All with a 30 day National Amiga warranty.
* I have SC ZIPs coming soon for those of you with 3000's.
  And remember! If you have ZIPs to get rid of: I trade SIMMs for ZIPs!
* I am now a Broadcaster Elite dealer. This is a very HIGH QUALITY
  non-linear system for the Amiga 3000/4000 series machines.
  It does real, non-transcoded YUV digital video.
  Ask for more information!
* If you have any hardware that you want to get rid of, let me know!
  I'm certainly willing to take a look at it.

                   N E W   N O A H J I s   P R I C E S
Retina Z2 Graphics Card..........................................$769.95
Retina Z3 Graphics Card.........................................$1099.95
Tocatta 16-Bit Audio Card........................................$659.95
VLab Motion.....................................................$2399.95
VLab Motion and Toccata.........................................$2899.95

Panasonic KX-P5400 Laser Page Printer............................$499.95
 2 Megabytes RAM, PostScript and HPLaserJet emulations
 Small footprint. Only one left!!

PhotoGenics 1.25.................................................$139.95
  24-bit painting and image manipulation software.
  Now with Toaster/Framestore and CyberGraphics support!

                               C H I P S
Kickstart 2.04 ROM (500/2000).....................................$39.95
Kickstart 1.3 ROM (500/2000)......................................$15.00
Kickstart 2.04 ROM (3000).........................................$50.00
SuperBuster -11...................................................$90.00
Western Digital SCSI -08..........................................$49.95
8520 CIA..........................................................$19.95
SuperDenise 8373 (on the way).....................................$54.95

National Amiga builds custom cables. If you have something that you
need bridged, please let us know! Monitor, parallel, serial, you name
it, we can probably take care of it for you.

                                 R A M 
256k ZIPs 1 megabyte (for use on 3000T as CHIP RAM)...............$50.00
1x4 Static Columns ZIPs 4 Meg Worth (orders).....................$190.00
GVP 4 Meg SIMM (available next week).............................$225.00
32 Meg 72-pin 70ns SIMM..........................................$929.95
16 Meg 72-pin 60ns SIMM..........................................$459.95
16 Meg 72-pin 70ns SIMM (with parity)............................$499.95
8 Meg 72-pin 60ns SIMM...........................................$259.95
8 Meg 72-pin 70ns SIMM...........................................$249.95
4 Meg 72-pin 70ns SIMM...........................................$159.95
1 Meg 30-pin 70ns SIMM............................................$49.95
4 Meg 30-pin 70ns SIMM...........................................$149.95
256x4 (44256) 60ns DRAM...................................per chip $8.95
CPU Fans..........................................................$14.95
4 Meg 72-pin 60ns EDO SIMM.......................................$149.95
8 Meg 72-pin 60ns EDO SIMM.......................................$259.95
16 Meg 72-pin 60ns EDO SIMM......................................$549.95
32 Meg 72-pin 60ns EDO SIMM.....................................$1149.95

                  I N C R E D I B L E   D E A L S ! !
    U S E D   H A R D W A R E   -   3 0   D A Y   W A R R A N T Y
                   *   A L L   I N   S T O C K   *
GVP DSS8 Audio Digitizer (with the knobs on it)...................$50.00
DKB MegaCHIP 2000 (2 megabytes CHIP RAM for your Amiga 500/2000!)$240.00
MicroWay FlickerFixer............................................$150.00
SupraModem 2400 (used, no power supply)...........................$20.00
SupraModem 2400ZI Internal Modem (A2000/3000/4000)................$35.00
MicroBotics 1200Z RAM Expansion 68881FPU/clock for A1200.........$100.00
Commodore 2091 SCSI Interface....................................$125.00
Commodore 2091 SCSI Interface with 50 meg Hard-Drive.............$175.00
Commodore 2088 XT BridgeBoard with 5.25" drive (no software/man)..$30.00
Commodore 2088 XT BridgeBoard with no drive and no software/man...$15.00
Commodore 2286 AT BridgeBoard with 5.25" drive (software).........$80.00
Commodore 2286 AT BridgeBoard with 3.5" drive (software)..........$90.00
Commodore 2232 7-port Serial Card................................$169.00
Commodore 1084S Monitor (many in stock)..........................$149.95

Quantum 50 Meg SCSI 3.5"LP Hard-Drive.............................$40.00
Quantum 40 Meg SCSI 3.5"HH Hard-Drive.............................$35.00
Seagate 50 Meg SCSI 3.5"HH Hard-Drive.............................$35.00
170 Meg SCSI Hard-Drive 5.25"HH (makes a little noise)............$60.00
Conner 200 Meg SCSI 3.5"HH Hard-Drives...........................$115.00
DEC 1 GIG SCSI 3.5"HH (not for 3000's)...........................$320.00

GVP G-Force 040-33 for Amiga 2000, 1 serial, 1 parallel port....$1100.00
 SCSI Interface, 8 Megabytes RAM
GVP Combo 030 with 882 all at 33MHz, 4 meg RAM and SCSI..........$500.00
PP&S Zeus 040 at 28MHz with SCSI-II and 4 meg RAM................$800.00
Commodore 2620 68020 Accelerator for A2000 (2 meg RAM, 881FPU)...$150.00

Commodore 2060 Arcnet Card with 2M cable, terminators and T.......$89.95
Commodore 2065 Ethernet Card (taking orders).....................$200.00

Amiga 2000 (machine, keyboard, 1 floppy, KS 2.04)................$299.95
Amiga 2000, 1084 Monitor, 2091 Interface.........................$550.00
Amiga 3000-030/25. 2 meg CHIP RAM 4 Meg FAST RAM.................$850.00
 and a $100 credit towards a hard-drive

                       U S E D   S O F T W A R E
Final Copy II.....................................................$25.00
Photon Cel Animator...............................................$15.00

                           U S E D   B O O K S
Amiga Programmers Handbook........................................$15.00
Amiga Programmers Handbook Volume II..............................$15.00
Amiga System Programmers Guide....................................$10.00
Advanced System Programmers Guide for the Amiga...................$10.00
Amiga For Beginners...............................................$10.00
Amiga 2.x ROM Kernel Reference: Libraries.........................$30.00
Amiga 2.x ROM Kernel Reference: Devices...........................$30.00
Amiga 2.x ROM Kernel Reference: Includes and Autodocs.............$30.00

All prices in Canadian dollars. Pricing and availability subject to
change without notice. Ask for our terms and policies. Currency conversion
is available from our web page.