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National Amiga Specials 951212

Week of November 12th, 1995 (951212)

                      B I T S   F R O M   G R E G
* World of Amiga. One great show. It looked like the attendance was
  somewhere around 3000 people. This makes it the biggest North American
  show in the last 2 years. I found many things out:
* Phase5 was having chip supply problems and this has now been overcome.
  Their products should start trickling through any time now.
* DKB was also having the same problems with chips and their stuff should
  come soon too. Look for some other interesting things from them in
  the near future.
* Amiga 4000T's are awaiting CSA approval for Canada. This shouldn't be
  much longer. 1200's we might see about February. This is from SMG
* I picked up a whole new line of clients from the show, so things will
  be much busier. Also a new Canadian distributor popped up that will
  be stocking many more products, so availability on things will be
* AmigaDOS 3.1 kits have come down in price. They all should be roughly
  $199 now.
* All of those who ordered MultiFace 4 cards, there are here now.
  Contact me so I can get them sent out to you.
* Special thanks goes to Darren Eveland for helping me work my booth at
  the show. Also special thanks to Pre'Spect Technics for letting me
  share their booth with them.

            N E W   H A R D W A R E   A N D   S O F T W A R E
DB23-15 RGB adaptors..............................................$20.00
 If you have a 1200 and a 1942 or a 1960 monitor, this is the
 adapter to go between them. Same goes for a 4000.
 Please note: This is not the one you need in order for using a
 multiscanning monitor on a 4000.

LightROM 3  3 CD set chock full of Lightwave goodies..............$54.95
Aminet 9..........................................................$34.95
Lock-N-Load CD..600+ bootable shareware games for CDTV/CD32/Amiga.$24.95
Ami-File-Safe Pro................................................$119.95
KB-10 PC Keyboard Adapter for Amiga 2000/3000.....................$54.95
Opus 5...........................................................$119.95
Scala MM400 Upgrade (you must have MM300).........................$89.95
Cinema 4D........................................................$369.95
2.04 ROMs for 500/2000............................................$39.95
Aridane Ethernet Card (10-base-T, 10-base-2, 2 parallel ports)...$389.95

     U S E D   H A R D W A R E   -   3 0   D A Y   W A R R A N T Y
PhonePak with 2.4 Software (used)................................$240.00
SupraModem 2400 (used, no power supply)...........................$20.00
MicroBotics 1200Z RAM Expansion with 68881FPU and clock (used)...$125.00
Commodore 4091 SCSI-2 Zorro III Interface (FAST!)................$245.00
Commodore 2091 SCSI Interface....................................$125.00
Commodore 2620 68020 Accelerator for A2000 (2 meg RAM)...........$175.00
Commodore 2088 XT BridgeBoard with 5.25" drive (no software/man)..$30.00
Commodore 2088 XT BridgeBoard with no drive and no software/man...$15.00
Commodore 2060 Arcnet Card with cable, terminators and T..........$89.95
Commodore 2090A MFM/SCSI Interface................................$10.00
Commodore 2232 7-port Serial Card (coming soon)..................$210.00
AD1012 Audio Card................................................$810.00
FireCracker 24-bit RGB Display Board.............................$150.00
Supra WordSync SCSI Interface....................................$125.00

                         A M I G A   G A M E S !

All prices in Canadian dollars. Pricing and availability subject to
change without notice. Ask for our terms and policies.