(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
National Amiga Specials 951030
Week of October 30th, 1995 (951030)
Due to recent political unrest in Canada, pricing is subject to
change without notice.
This weeks list isn't that big. It's just mainly a list of items that
I have had around for a little while that I would like to clear out.
I've spent most of my time over the last few weeks catching up on all
the orders... packing until 2 in the morning (ugh) Business is good. :)
G R E G ' S C L E A R A N C E S H E L F
170 Meg SCSI Hard-Drive...........................................$69.95
Anakin Research Easyl (1000 and 2000 versions)....................$99.95
ASIM CDFS v3.3....................................................$59.95
Calgari 2.........................................................$29.95
Commodore 2058 8 meg RAM Board with 4 meg Populated..............$169.95
Commodore 2088 XT BridgeBoard with 5.25" drive....................$30.00
Connect Your Amiga!...............................................$34.95
DataFlyer XDS 1200 External IDE..................................$119.95
dataMIX CD-ROM (fonts, graphics, objects, MODs, sounds)...........$19.95
DataTax (Canadian version)........................................$19.95
Eklipse PC Serial Mouse...........................................$15.00
FreshFish Volume 8................................................$19.95
MegaCHIP 2000 NTSC...............................................$239.95
MicroBotics 1200Z RAM Expansion with 68881FPU and clock..........$125.00
MicroR&D 3: 600+ fonts, 1800+ EPS clip, etc.......................$32.95
On The Ball! Personal Organizer...................................$29.95
RG58 Cable for Ethernet 100 yard spool............................$45.00
SupraModem 2400 (no power supply).................................$20.00
* * * * S C A L A M M 3 0 0 O N L Y $ 1 4 9 . 9 5 ! * * * *
I have a few of these here right now that I can blow out at $149.95,
so if you are interested, please respond immediately!
Y / C P L U S I N C .
Y/C Adapter For Video Toaster...................................$1149.95
Y/C Adapter For Amiga 23pin RGB..................................$139.95
Composite Colour Adapter for Amiga 23pin RGB.....................$139.95
Amiga 23-pin RGB to 4 BNC (RGBS)..................................$94.95
U S E D H A R D W A R E - 3 0 D A Y W A R R A N T Y
Amiga 500, 512k, mouse, built in drive............................$80.00
X-Calibur A4000 Accelerator (ask for details!)...................$399.95
Amiga 3000T, 6 meg, 245 meg SCSI................................$2249.95
Oktagon 2008 SCSI-2 Interface....................................$199.95
MultiStart II ROM Switcher........................................$29.95
O L D S O F T W A R E - W H I L E Q U A N T I T I E S L A S T
Dragons Lair: Escape from Singes Castle...........................$10.00
Kings Quest 5.....................................................$17.95
Manhunter: New York...............................................$10.00
Manhunter II......................................................$10.00
Search for the King...............................................$10.00
Rise of the Dragon................................................$10.00
* Thanks for all of those who enquired about the 500/600/1200/CD32 power
* supplies. I have everything here ready to go except for the 5-pin
* square dins to plug into the back of the machine. These are rather
* difficult to locate. Ask about how you can send in your original
* cable and get a discount.. Or tell me where you can get them! :)
* For those of you on IRC, look for NACBot (or NACb). NACBot is National
* Amiga's bot linked directly into our catalog database and will supply
* prices on the products we carry. As time progresses, NACBot will
* provide product information directly from the web pages, allow you to
* add/delete your name from this mailing list, DCC catalogs, a developers
* database, and several other things.. Suggestions are welcome!
All prices in Canadian dollars. Pricing and availability subject to
change without notice. Ask for our terms and policies.