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About the A\Box Campaign

Our Mission
To show an alternative to the dominating computers which still use basic technology from the 80's to make computers for the next decades. To give people a better understanding of the computers hardware, so they will see why the hardware of the A\Box is superior to the leading platforms today. To increase the sales of the A\Box, so a large user-base will be created, and rise the standards of computing by years.

Why are we doing this ?
This campaign wouldn't need to exist if the total domination of the Wintel platform didn't exist. By extreme marketing, the low standards of the Wintel computers, have becomed the world-standard. The PC-platform is also heading for a dark future, especially with Intels plans of becoming the only possible CPU in future PC's with an AGP port.

The People
Many people are responsible for making this web-site. It would be almost impossible to do it all alone, so there are many different people involved. Make sure you contact the right one if there is anything you want to comment. And many thanks to the people who have shared their knowledge and skills with us !





Contributing people.

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