(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
How to Register Your Site as an Official Mirror
If you are interested in registering your site as an official mirror site of The Amiga
Monitor, read on!
Send EMail to with "Register AM Mirror" as the subject, and specify
the following information:
- A precise URL to be listed as the mirror site
- An EMail address to which new issues of AM can be sent, and with which we can communicate
with you
- A short description of the site
- The format(s) you will be carrying (HTML online, AmigaGuide online, HTML LhA, HTML ZIP,
AmigaGuide LhA)
- Whether you will keep archives of old issues available
- A country or general geographic location of the server supplying your site
That's it! If we register your site as an official mirror site, you get a listing in the mirrors.htm file that
comes with every issue, and eventually on The Webb Site itself. Thank you for supporting The Amiga
Some Key Amiga and Amiga Monitor-oriented links:
Amiga Monitor Main Index
Amiga Web Directory