Be Newsletter
Issue 69, April 16, 1997
Table of Contents
BE EVENTS: Berkeley MacFest
For more information about the Be Demo Tour, please visit:
By Guillaume Desmarets
Some of the changes in the DR9 BeOS will be immediately
obvious: Faster boot times, a new Tracker, foreign file
system support. But other new features won't be quite so
visible. One of the "invisible" features is support for IDE
on O'Hare-based Macintosh platforms (this includes, most
notably, the Motorola StarMax).
Most Mac motherboards include two IDE controllers. Because
the DR9 BeOS recognizes both master and slave IDE drives,
these two controllers can support four IDE drives. The Mac
OS, by contrast, doesn't recognize slaves, so it can only
support two IDE drives. This means, of course, that if you
do add a third or fourth drive to your Mac, these drives
will be "BeOS-only" volumes. When launching the BeOS, you'll
be able to boot from any IDE devices, including the slaves -
- if it's a BeOS volume, you can boot from it.
Another new feature in DR9 is Direct Memory Access (DMA) for
IDE hard drives. With DMA, data transfers (mostly between
main memory and a memory-laden device) occur with as little
intervention from the processor(s) as possible. When a CPU
is about to transfer a big chunk of data, it tells the DMA
controller how much data to transfer, where to get it from,
and where to put it. It also sends a DMA instruction to the
target device. The transfer is then performed independently
by the controller; when it's done, the CPU is signaled by an
interrupt. Thanks to Be's multithreaded OS, huge memory
transfers don't tie up your entire machine.
DMA transfers are doubly efficient in that not only are they
asynchronous, they're also not tied to the clock speed of
the CPU. Since the DMA controller takes care of the
transfer, a slower CPU can actually see its IDE access speed
increase. File system operations and the programming of the
DMA transfer itself will be no faster than the CPU, but at
least the data copy will depend only on the bus speed.
I tested DMA versus non-DMA performance on a 66 MHz and 133
MHz BeBox(TM). The access time was rated with iozone,
writing and reading a 64 MB file on a blank Quantum Bigfoot
5.25 (1 GB) drive mounted as a Be file system. The DMA
transfers used DMA mode 2.
The results are summarized in the following table. Note that
in each set of (a/b) measurements, "a" is the transfer rate
for a lightly loaded CPU, and "b" is a machine with a
heavily loaded CPU.
Transfer Rates
Test (MB per Second)
66 MHz Read
With DMA: (4.2 / 2.7)
Without DMA: (1.0 / 0.13)
66 MHz Write
With DMA: (2.8 / 1.7)
Without DMA: (1.2 / 0.14 )
133 MHz Read
With DMA: (4.2 / 3.7)
Without DMA: (1.4 / 0.35)
133 MHz Write
With DMA: (2.9 / 2.7)
Without DMA: (1.5 / 0.45)
Taken as absolute measurements, the non-DMA numbers are a
little bit misleading: We could have used fast PIO modes,
which would have made the non-DMA transfers faster. But what
IS relevant is the drop in access speed between a (nearly)
idle system and a very active system. There's a 60 to 85
percent drop in performance for non-DMA transfers, but DMA
transfers suffer only a 10 to 40 percent hit.
To best use your IDE drives you should be aware of a few
- First of all, be wise selecting your IDE cable. IDE specs
recommend a maximum length of 18 inches (total), but the
rule is the shorter the better. IDE cables aren't shielded
and have fewer ground lines than a SCSI cable.
- If you're using only one drive on a bus, configure the
drive as a master (or single), not a slave, or it won't be
- If you have more than one drive, it's better to keep slow
drives on one bus and fast drives on another bus. The driver
adapts the bus speed to the slowest drive present, so it
won't take full advantage of your fast device if it's daisy-
chained to a slow one.
- Think your brand new drive is dead? Turn the cable over.
Many IDE cables aren't keyed.
As always, take the NEWER!!! FASTER!!! claims that you get
from drive manufacturers with a grain of salt. The other day
I got a brand new ATA 32.1 GB hard drive that claimed a 16.6
MB per second data rate. If you look REALLY close, next to
that gigantic red and green "16.6!!!" you can see a teeny
little "instantaneous." The "sustained" (or, shall we way,
"real") data rate was 4.4 to 6.9 MB/s. Add to this the seek
time (unless you're used to having one file per hard drive),
and you get the picture.
BE ENGINEERING INSIGHTS: Text in the Interface
By Roy West
You use text in many places in an application's user
interface. But for style purposes, these can be divided into
three kinds: Titles and labels, lists, and explanatory
text. This article provides guidelines for consistent
capitalization and punctuation of these three kinds of text
in your Be applications.
Titles and labels include menu items; labels for icons,
buttons, check boxes, text fields, and other objects; the
titles of windows and panels; and the titles of groups of
controls in panels.
Use "title style" capitalization for titles and labels:
Capitalize the first letter of the first and last word in a
title; also capitalize the first letter of all others words
in a title, except for prepositions, articles, and
coordinate conjunctions (words such as "and," "or," "but,"
and "for").
Don't end a title with a period, but if the title asks a
question or announces an emergency, it's OK to end the title
with a question mark or exclamation point (use exclamation
points sparingly; use them often and risk crying "wolf" or
appearing shrill).
If a menu item or button opens a panel the user must work
with to complete an action started by the menu item or
button, append ellipsis points to its label. Ellipsis points
-- often mistakenly called "ellipses" -- are a single
character that looks like three periods ( ... ). You produce
ellipsis points by typing Option-period. Don't emulate
ellipsis points by typing three periods.
For menu items and button labels that take an action (rather
than showing the state of a selection, for example), use
verbs that clearly and succinctly identify the action. For
example, in a panel that asks users whether they want to
save changes to a document, it's better to label the default
button "Save" than "OK".
Lists are usually lists of options in panels, with each item
in a list accompanying a radio button, check box, or other
Use "sentence-style" punctuation for lists: Capitalize the
first letter only of the first word in each item in the
list. Don't end list items with a period, colon, or other
Explanatory text explains options or situations in windows
and panels, such as the larger text in an alert panel that
summarizes the situation that caused the alert panel to
open, as well as any smaller text that gives details. Use
"sentence-style" punctuation for explanatory text:
Capitalize the first letter only of the first word in each
sentence in the text. Use complete sentences for explanatory
text, and punctuate each sentence as you would a normal
sentence: End each sentence with a period, question mark, or
other terminal punctuation.
To brush up on your spelling and capitalization rules, see
The Chicago Manual of Style (any edition will do) or Words
into Type.
News from the Front
By William Adams
Tractors, killers, mission-critical, personal productivity.
How about cool, exciting, fun, thrilling, raise your hair?
These are all words that are used in the software industry
to describe... software. Such strong words for such a soft
We're always in a perpetual state of one-upmanship. Pushing
the envelopes of productivity, practicality, and hyperbole.
Well, sometimes you get into it, and sometimes you just want
to do some calculations.
These week we feature on our Web site a spreadsheet program.
Maarten L. Hekkelman produced it, and he did a fine job. A
spreadsheet by any other name would still have
revolutionized the computer industry oh so many years ago. I
know we're looking for killers, who drive tractors, but
someone has to keep the tally. It's not glamorous, but
without it, we can't be taken seriously as a solid computing
platform. Even DVD production schedules need some simple
computing every once in a while.
Spring really does seem to bring out the best in people. A
little sunshine, a little music, and people are bouncing off
the walls, programming their hearts. Our porting lab is in
progress. A small but enthusiastic group, they're already
giving us feedback. When I explained our OpenDoc-lite
features, I received excited gasps and promises to recast
the world's problems into archivable components. Maybe it's
Spring, maybe it's the CEO next door with the Listerine on
his desk. I don't know, but people do tend to get excited.
But Spring is about renewal. New things coming all the time.
In the case of an OS, rebirth and renewal are synonyms for
new API, and lost programming time. So to help make the DR9
transition as quick and painless as possible, we're already
releasing some DR9 sample code:
This is the good old January sample code migrated to DR9.
The code is simple enough and exhibits few enough DR9
concepts that you should be able to get something out of it.
In particular it shows how to deal with fonts in a view.
Most of the rest of it is unchanged. Among the primary
differences with fonts in DR9 is that we have UTF8 support.
And you don't have to be attached to a view to get the width
of a string. There's a new BFont object that does some of
this for you. Take a look, you'll be surprised how easy it
is. Also note that DR9 is still not shipping, so this sample
may change a little bit before it's all said and done.
I don't remember if it has been six weeks or not, but Yasmin
was sick for one day. As a friend with three children
explained it, they are totally wasted, clingy, and
demanding, just long enough to wear you out, then they
recover and are bouncing off the walls, while you lie wasted
on the couch. Well, Spring's recuperative powers are
extraordinary, so being sick won't keep her from walking a
mile back from the grocery store. She'll be 2 in 9 days. And
oddly enough, the BeOS will be nearing its release at the
same time. Maybe there's something there. In the mean time,
we're tearing up cement, laying down sod, and getting ready
for a cool and exciting summer at home. What a perfect
environment to write applications. Poolside, near the swing
set, with the BeOS dancing under your fingers running on a
Quad DayStar machine!
The Dream of Push
By Jean-Louis Gassée
We have another anointed word: Push.
Instead of explicitly logging on to a server, we designate
locations, channels, information sources, whatever -- a URL
in any event -- and the broadcaster pushes the agreed-upon
content to my computer. PointCast was probably the earliest
entrant in the field. Their receiver, a browser plug-in, can
be tuned to a number of customizable channels: The stock
market, sports, and so on. It became so successful,
corporate IS managers complained: The update traffic to the
legions of in-house desktops clogged their networks.
From Netscape to Marimba, Microsoft and a legion of
followers, everyone is pushing today or Real Soon Now. The
rush to push has already triggered a rash of negative
comments, either blaming the hype, as usual, or stating no
one needs it, another original reaction. The idea of
"tuning" my desktop to information channels is an attractive
one. I have a choice. I can feel lazy and flip through my
usual channels, or I can navigate the Web, with or without a
precise destination. And I can see the old dream of
corporate executives: Up-to-the-minute financial data. Tune
to the secret channel from anywhere in the world, even from
your cellular phone. It will soon get an HTML interpreter,
courtesy of Unwired Planet, a Redwood City start-up
developing a dialect of HTML for small wireless devices.
When you look at IP packets and URLs, push isn't very
complicated to implement or simulate.
Of course, there are issues with push other than bandwidth
utilization and littering our desktops. Security is a big
one. It's not hard to design experiments where programs get
pushed and activated on my machine. Upon close examination,
the border between data and programs only exists as a word.
Spreadsheet data are in fact programs for an interpreter, as
is HTML. An innocent text file can become a batch program, a
rogue word processor macro, or a script for dial-up
networking. Java has been designed with these issues in mind
and avoids many of the more hazardous situations. Still, as
long as a remote computer can deposit data on your hard
disk, with or without your explicit consent, with or without
trust certificates, there's the theoretical possibility of
damage, intentional or not. In practice (not in the media
accounts) not much damage has occurred. We seem to strike a
collective balance between security and ease of use. Just as
in credit card use. We no longer hesitate typing credit card
numbers in a field on a Web page. The servers offer decent
security, actually better than the chits we sign in
restaurants. More damage has been caused by innocent program
crashes than by malicious viruses, but they don't make great
Before I leave the subtopic of security, following my Bill
Gates quote of last week, and in order to provide additional
perspective on Microsoft and Java, I can't resist quoting
from the addendum to the software licensing agreement for
Windows 95:
"Java technology is not fault tolerant and is not designed,
manufactured, or intended for use or resale as on-line
control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail-
safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear
facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems,
air traffic control, direct life support machines, or weapon
systems, in which the failure of Java technology could lead
directly to death, personal injury, or severe physical or
environmental damage."
The above applies to most software in existence today, and
I'm sure lawyers have good reason to suggest such a
cautionary note -- in general. But why specifically for
For us, push technology is another step in building the net
as an infrastructure for the electronic distribution of
software. Tuned on a developer's channel, I'll get notified
of bugs and updates. At my option, the updates will download
or even install themselves. This might be going a little
far, but the potential is there for an individual to reach
as many potential users as a large corporation, once again
making the Internet a great equalizer.
BeDevTalk Summary
BeDevTalk is an unmoderated discussion group that's a forum
for the exchange of technical information, suggestions,
questions, mythology, and suspicions. In this column, we
summarize some of the active threads, listed by their
subject lines as they appear, verbatim, in the group.
To subscribe to BeDevTalk, visit the mailing list page on
our Web site:
- ----NEW---------------------------
Subject: Word97 Datatype
AKA: Why I think we should use HTML
AKA: Styled Text Exchange(ad- and disadvantages)
AKA: Styled Text in clipboard
What's the best format for (A) general text markup exchange
and (B) placing styled text on the clipboard?
- RTF. Provides a good deal of control, and the general spec
is well known and settled. However, it's not great for
markup, it provides "personalizations" (known as "styles")
that aren't part of the commonly defined spec, and it seems
that no two implementations are the same.
- HTML. It's ubiquitous and friendly, but it's not very
- SGML. Too flexible, say some.
- PDF. The best of breed for layout. But it's big and not
well supported.
- XML and DSSSL (Document Style Semantics and Specification
Language). Between these two (which describe content and
layout, respectively) almost any page can be described. But
it's new, complicated, and the spec is massive.
There was some squabbling over how and when text "richness"
can and should be used. For example, does text format
richness help the readability of e-mail? Probably not -- the
difference between <bold>Groovy</bold> and GROOVY! may not
be worth the time spent encoding the HTML.
Meanwhile, do questions (A) and (B) require the same
solution? Possibly not; the clipboard solution can be much
"lighter" than the all-the-bells-and-ponies solution. It was
generally accepted that STE (part of DR9 BTextView) is the
proper format for placing enriched text on the clipboard.
- ----NEW---------------------------
Subject: Weird schedualer (?) shenanigans.
One of our favorite topics: Why does an MP machine sometimes
work better with one of the CPUs turned off? Cache coherency
problems, no doubt.
- ----NEW---------------------------
Subject: Stack size ..
From Mimir Reynisson:
"How do I increase the stack size allocated to an
You can't. The stack is limited to 64K; this fact o' life
was lamented, but is a more flexible setting necessary? An
infinitely growable stack may not be a toy you want everyone
to get their hands on; it could lead to tailspinning
recursion. The next thing you know, the missiles have been
launched by accident and Nebraska is a smoking ruin. (My
cousins live in Nebraska. Nuke 'em.)
On the other hand, it was posited that recursion isn't
necessarily a bad thing: In some circles, recursion is
actually considered GOOD programming. This point bordered on
the religious, but it was mercifully dropped.
The thread also discussed what an app should do to recover
from bumping into the stack size limit, and how (or if) it
should inform the user of the error.
- ----NEW---------------------------
Subject: File attributes feature request
AKA: node_refs
AKA: record_refs
Let's say document A (text) imports document B (a picture).
When saving A, you don't want to copy B's data, you simply
want a reference to join the two. How should A refer to B?
It was suggested that if A contained a known, commonly used
(system-defined?) attribute that took a "pointer to" B as
its value, then not only would this solve the reference
question, but you could query on the attribute to find all
files that import some other file. In other words, A would
know how to find B, and B would be able to query for all
such A's.
This led to a discussion of what the "pointer to" data
should be: Should it be symbolic (pathname) or "hard" (such
as you get with the pre-DR9 record ref)? If you use a
pathname reference, then you break the link (from A to B) if
you move the file. Hard references let you maintain the link
no matter where the referred-to file goes -- but do you
really want to refer to B after it's been moved to the
THE BE LINE: There was some confusion about what a
"node_ref " is; a node_ref is NOT a record_ref . There is no
DR9 analog for the record_ref -- persistent, unique, "hard"
identification just isn't possible in a foreign file system