Be Newsletter
Issue 66, March 26, 1997
Table of Contents
BE EVENTS: Be Demo Tour in DC and in Newark, Delaware
- April 2 to 5, 1997
The Be team will be demoing the BeOS in the Washington, DC,
area and in Newark, Delaware. Come meet us! For details
about the demo tour, please visit our Web site, at
By Robert Polic
Developer support recently released the source for the audio
CD player that we ship with the BeOS. Unfortunately, if all
you're interested in is how to make driver calls to perform
the audio functions, you'll have to pore over a lot of UI
fluff code to get to the interesting nuggets. The point of
this article is to describe the driver calls available for
playing, scanning, and saving CD audio, and to point you to
some simple sample code that exercises all the available
With DR9, the BeOS supports both SCSI and ATAPI (IDE) CD
drives; both types of devices are serviced by the same set
of driver ioctl calls for audio access.
A number of the calls described below use a positioning type
called MSF, which stands for minute, second, frame. A minute
is 60 seconds (duh), a second is 75 frames, and a frame is
one 2352-byte sector, which contains 588 samples of 16-bit
stereo audio. I recommend you get either the ANSI SCSI
standard or the ATAPI standard for more detailed
descriptions of a number of data structures that are used.
Before any audio functions can be performed, a device needs
to be located. To do this, scan the DR9 /dev/mountable
directory and make B_GET_GEOMETRY ioctl calls to all the
drivers. Test the "device_type" field against the "B_CD "
constant. Drivers with the type B_CD will support the calls
described below.
Now that you have a device and have popped a disc in, you'll
probably want to list the contents of the disc -- the
SCSI_GET_TOC call will do the trick:
ioctl(device, SCSI_GET_TOC, &toc);
toc is a pointer to a scsi_toc data structure. This
structure is described in the ANSI SCSI spec and the ATAPI
spec. The structure contains a four-byte header followed by
an eight-byte TOC descriptor for each track. The header
contains the starting and ending track number and the length
of the TOC data. Each TOC descriptor contains the track
number, the starting location for the track (in MSF format),
and flags that you use to determine whether the track
contains audio or data information.
Now that you've located an audio track you'll want to play
it; unless, of course, you've popped in a Grateful Dead CD.
The simplest way to play a track is to tell the driver to
play from a starting track number to an ending track number:
ioctl(device, SCSI_PLAY_TRACK, &track);
track is a data structure used to specify the starting and
ending track, along with a starting and ending index (in
most cases 1).
To get a bit more control about where to start and end, use
the following call:
ioctl(device, SCSI_PLAY_POSITION, &position);
position is a data structure that specifies the starting MSF
and the ending MSF.
To pause, resume, and stop audio playback, you use these
ioctl(device, SCSI_PAUSE_AUDIO);
ioctl(device, SCSI_RESUME_AUDIO);
ioctl(device, SCSI_STOP_AUDIO);
Ejecting a disc is simple and satisfying:
ioctl(device, SCSI_EJECT);
Too soft? Crank it up:
ioctl(device, SCSI_GET_VOLUME, &volume);
ioctl(device, SCSI_SET_VOLUME, &volume);
volume is a pointer to a scsi_volume data structure. The
data structure contains a channel and volume field for each
port (four ports, maximum). For each port the volume range
is from 0 (muted) to 255. To set the volume or channel for a
particular port, you must also set the change flag bit for
each field (this allows changing individual fields without
affecting the other fields).
To get the current play status and position, use the
following call:
ioctl(device, SCSI_GET_POSTITION, &position);
position is a pointer to a scsi_position data structure.
Once again this structure is described in detail in the ANSI
and ATAPI specs; briefly, it contains a flag byte that
indicates whether play is in progress, paused, completed, or
"errored" and what are the current track, index, absolute
MSF, and track-relative MSF position.
To scan (fast forward, fast reverse) there is the following
ioctl(device, SCSI_SCAN, &scan);
The scan data structure specifies the direction (+ =
forward, - = reverse, and 0 = stop scanning) and the speed
(0 = normal scanning, 1 = high-speed scanning) at which to
scan. (Not all devices support high-speed scanning.) To stop
scanning, you must use the same call again with a direction
of 0.
The last command described is the one for reading audio data
to memory:
ioctl(device, SCSI_READ_CD, &read);
The read structure specifies the starting position (in MSF
format), length (also in MSF format), buffer_length , buffer
address, and a flag indicating whether to play the audio at
the same time it's being read (not all devices support
this). The format of the data read is 16-bit stereo, left
channel followed by right channel. One last point to keep in
mind: You'll need to byte-swap the audio data you read from
the media before playing it back on the BeOS.
News from the Front
By William Adams
With the recent rerelease of the Star Wars trilogy here in
the United States, I find myself once again contemplating
life and its reflection in visual media. I am now convinced
that Jabba the Hutt was a programmer in his earlier career
and chose a path of management.
I see the evidence in myself. When I started programming, oh
so many years ago, I was thin, in good shape, and ready to
take over the world. As the years roll on, as does my office
chair, my bottom line keeps expanding. Unable to move, I
delegate. Then along comes the BeOS. Something new and
exciting to challenge and thrill. Suddenly I'm jumping up
out of my seat and yelling YES!! whenever I can do something
that I couldn't do before.
One of my pet programming things is to do graphics. That is,
graphics libraries on the sly. It's never been my
profession, but it's always been my obsession. When the
BeBox(TM) first hit the streets, I created a thing called
the YAGS library. Of course this stands for Yasmin Adams'
Graphics System, or for those who are more UNIXY, Yet
Another Graphics System. The purpose of YAGS is to support
much of the higher level graphics found in the BView class,
but to do it on an arbitrary frame buffer. That means the
screen, through the Game Kit, or a BBitmap .
To that end, YAGS has primitives to draw lines, ellipses,
rectangles, triangles, and bezier curves. I twiddled with 3D
a bit, but not enough. I ported it to DR8 and let it
languish. So here it is:
There's a simple demo program you can run to see how fast
your little machine can really go. You can choose to either
use the software-only routines or the Game Kit routines that
will use hardware acceleration (if available).
As for some cleanup, last week we put out the vidview
package, which allows you to write apps to the Hauppauge
video digitizer board. Thanks to Kevin Hendrickson, a long-
standing bug has been squashed.
In the vidview.cpp file you would find:
void VideoView::WaitForStop()
kill(drawer_id, SIGINT);
Change this to:
void VideoView::WaitForStop()
You'll find that the application closes down more reliably
more often. I've made this change to the sample code and
added sliders for hue and saturation. You can download the
revised package from:
The DR9 man approacheth, and as that inevitable date draws
near, we'll all become antsy with anticipation. Font system
changes, file system changes, archiving, the Tracker,
Unicode. That's a lot of change. What we'll do is to provide
all the application samples that we included with DR8, but
in a more timely manner. That way everyone will be able to
compare new stuff to old stuff and see what's changed. We'll
try to get these samples out much sooner than before to help
you upgrade.
I may feel like a Hutt at times, but the BeOS is keeping me
on my toes and at least exercising my mind -- if not my
whole body.
Good Net News
By Jean-Louis Gassée
The last few days have brought very good news for the net.
Older media giants loose oodles of money on their sites,
Netcom buys full-page ads to announce a price increase, and
Dell chalks up more than a million dollars a day in sales
revenue from their Web site.
I'll leave the first item alone: We should be grateful to
our well-heeled elders for exploring the new math on our
behalf -- and on their nickel. And it's nice to see Dell
showing both muscle and flexibility in using the new medium,
once again cashing in on the benefits of their reputation
for good customer service. "Too bad they don't make Mac
clones," sighed an unnamed Be wag.
Today, Netcom places large ads congratulating their
employees for a great job and proudly announcing a new
product. On closer inspection, the new product is a new
price structure for all-you-can-eat net connections, with
new "Fair Use" guidelines. Netcom, one of the early net
access companies in the Valley, is taking the lead in trying
to institute classes of service among their customers. As
many politically incorrect observers predicted (led by Jack
Rickard, the editor-in-chief of Boardwatch magazine), the
all-you-can-eat buffet doesn't lead anywhere. It creates
perverse reactions among users and ends up frustrating
everyone, starting with the people owning shares in the
At first the flat rate attracts customers. As the customers
grow in numbers, some diseconomies of scale manifest
themselves. There are phases in the growth of the system
where adding more customers costs more, because some
subsystems run out of capacity and grafting on bigger ones
sends ripples through the whole thing, including your P/L.
On the surface of things, ten subscribers per modem looks
like a good number. But beyond a certain number of modems,
you need big, expensive iron to aggregate the traffic.
Beyond a certain size, the computers themselves have to be
jettisoned, and further complications -- and costs -- occur
when they have to be clustered.
Some have equated the problem of flat-rate ISPs to the all-
you-can eat restaurant whose owner watches two buses of sumo
wrestlers pull in. The metaphor needs a little tweaking.
What in fact happens is the number of subscribers per port
increases. As a result, quality of service -- access when
needed, in this case -- degrades. Seeing this, customers
stay connected once they gain access, whether they need the
service or not. Other customers stay at the door. The ISP
sees this and disconnects inactive users. The anxious
customers get little utilities that fake activity. And so
on. Why disconnect if it doesn't cost more and you can't
reconnect? That's the vicious circle Netcom and other ISPs
are trying to defeat when pledging allegiance to the Fair
Use Initiative and trying to move to a tiered pricing
system. The Fair Use Initiative addresses many more issues
than just "hogging" a connection, but it essentially tries
to promote the concept of moderation in a system that
discourages it. We'll watch as they, and others, negotiate
the transition to a more rational pricing structure.
Especially when competitors might try to undercut them, only
to raise prices later once they've caused enough
The rationale invoked for flat pricing is the phone
companies' alleged flat costs for long distance. The legend
is that AT&T once considered flat pricing. All you can talk
for a flat monthly fee. But people would have kept phone
lines open for hours. Ask any parent owning or operating a
teenager. Metered service is good. It doesn't have to be as
greedy as the cellular providers rounding up to the next
minute. Just raise the pricing slope a little, and the self-
defeating hogging of connections will disappear without
making the Internet much more expensive.
BeDevTalk Summary
BeDevTalk is an unmoderated discussion group that's a forum
for the exchange of technical information, suggestions,
questions, mythology, and suspicions. In this column, we
summarize some of the active threads, listed by their
subject lines as they appear, verbatim, in the group.
To subscribe to BeDevTalk, visit the mailing list page on
our Web site:
- ----WEEK 3---------------------------
Subject: DR9 - Wish List
More feature requests for DR9. This week: Stability. Is it
possible to be absolutely crash-proof? Most folks think not.
However, some listeners wrote in to request that the UI (at
least) be perfectly safe. Giving the user an "uncrashable"
OS is a worthy ideal, but, as Osma Ahvenlampi pointed out...
"If you wanted to make a really secure OS, it would also be
a really slow OS... If the OS is stable enough to stay
running without a need to reboot it for 30 days on
average... it's easily stable enough for most users to never
see a crash."
Just as important as stability is integrity: If an app
crashes (or otherwise misbehaves), it shouldn't damage
critical files and resources such that the OS crashes or,
worse, needs to be reinstalled.
- ----WEEK 2---------------------------
Subject: sending data (net)
More asynchronous send() talk:
- Is the
memcpy() in an asynchronous send() implementation
cheap enough that you don't have to worry about it?
- If you run up a huge thread bill while multithreading
send() calls, will the accumulated stack space
be prohibitive?
- How do TCP communication and connection errors get
reported back to an asynchronous
send() 'er?
- ----NEW---------------------------
Subject: How about some mouse blanking???
A request from Chris Dunphy:
"One UI feature I haven't seen called for yet is mouse
blanking. When I start typing, I want the mouse pointer to
vanish and get out of my way, only appearing again when I
actually touch the mouse."
A few listeners wrote in to point out that some applications
(Edit, in particular) exhibit exactly this behavior. The
request was then modified for scope: Can mouse blanking be a
system-wide setting? Many votes in favor, but perhaps,
thinks Brian Stern, global enforcement is too much:
"It isn't always appropriate to obscure the cursor for every
keydown... All that's missing is a line in the human
interface guidelines saying that this [calling
ObscureCursor() within appropriate apps] is the right thing
to do."
- ----NEW---------------------------
Subject: New File Selector in DR9?
Will the "file selector" (or "Open panel") be smarter in
DR9? In particular, will it support [from Steve Klingsporn
and others]...
- A "favorite folders" pop-up menu
- View mode options (icon, small icon, list mode, and so on)
- Special display of the selected file (SK: "You could have
an icon showing the selected file in the left corner, or a
list view of currently selected files...")
- The ability to define and install your own panels
- Drag-and-drop into the open panel
- Easy Rename (as opposed to clunky Save As)
Howard Shere (and others) proposed a "panel-less" system of
saving/opening files, based on the idea that "standard"
panels (and this applies to almost all modern GUI OS's) give
you a redundant view of the world. Mr. Shere...
"Save: An icon on the title bar of the window... can be
dragged to the Tracker to save the file. You can save
anywhere in this fashion. Spring loaded folder type action
can allow you to drag into any folder in the system without
releasing the mouse button.
"Open could open a small 'drop box' window which documents
can be dropped on to open them. Since this would not be
modal, this could be opened all the time. It would have to
float about all of the windows for this to work."
An objection to this system (paraphrasing Mike Manzano):
The Open/Save panel is compact. When you use the Tracker to
look for a file or folder, you get a window for each level
of hierarchy. The Open/Save panel is much neater in this
respect. Also, relying on the Tracker for these operations
can lead to the "obscured target window" effect.
Relatedly, Jon Watte would like notification when a file is
dragged to the trash:
"[W]hen a file is dragged to the trash, the application
having it open should close the file in question. Right now,
there is no good way of finding out when and if a file is in
the trash."
- ---NEW---------------------------
Subject: Subject: Be Newsletter Issue #65, March 19, 1997
Reaction to Dominic Giampaolo's Newsletter article on good
programming practice. It was pointed out that Be's example
source apps don't always adhere to the principles Dominic
advised, particularly with regard to checking errors.
A few misconceptions were cleared up: It was thought that
recycling resource IDs could create race conditions. Dominic
pointed out that resource IDs (thread_id , sem_id , and so on)
are NOT quickly recycled. The IDs are incremented to the
maximum value before the incrementor turns over. After the
turnover, moreover, only "free" slots are used.
There was also some thought that resources weren't reclaimed
properly. Not so: The structures and address space-specific
data that support an app's threads, semaphores, ports,
images, teams, and areas ARE reclaimed when the app dies.
The actual memory behind a shared area or add-on or library
image is reclaimed when all apps that refer to that memory
are dead.
- ----NEW---------------------------
Subject: BObject
BObject is going away in DR9. Is this a shame? There were
some tears shed, but not many. Most folks think that mix-ins
(and multiple inheritance in general) are a better means of
sharing protocol.
- ----NEW---------------------------
Subject: another teaser...
Dominic Giampaolo, idraulico di sistema cartellina,
published some impressive DR9 file system performance
- ----NEW---------------------------
Subject: Year 2000
AKA: Leap years
Is Be ready for the millennium? Is 2000 AD a leap year?
THE BE LINE: Yes. Yes.