Be Newsletter
Issue 63, March 5, 1997
Table of Contents
Be Demo Tour: BeOS Demo Meetings in Illinois
The Be team will be demoing the BeOS in Chicago, Champaign
Urbana, and Springfield, Illinois from March 4 to 8, 1997.
These meetings are free and open to the general public.
To get more information about the demo schedule, please
check our Web site:
See you there!
By Bradley Taylor
What the heck is this guy talking about? Well, if you've
ever transported data between little-endian (for example,
x86) and big-endian (for example, PPC) processors, then you
know exactly what I'm talking about. Processor designers
make choices when deciding how data will be stored, and
compiler writers add some of their own twists. It's likely
that data written on one platform can't be read correctly on
another. If you're aware of this and take some precautionary
steps, you'll be safe when it comes time to read your data
on some other platform besides a PowerPC version of the
If you're writing a network application, pay attention. Even
if you're merely saving data to a file, you're unwittingly
writing a network application. Files are easily transported
across a network and often read in the future by
applications on other platforms.
First, some background. Most programmers are familiar with
the byte-order differences among processors. If you aren't,
consider this code:
int i = 0x01020304;
char *c = (char *)&i;
printf("%02x %02x %02x %02x -- %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3],
c[3], c[2], c[1], c[0]);
On a little-endian processor, such as the x86 (or Pentium),
the output is:
04 03 02 01 -- 01 02 03 04
On a big-endian processor, such as the PowerPC (in the mode
that the BeOS uses) you get:
01 02 03 04 -- 04 03 02 01
Little-endian means that the first byte contains the least
significant 8 bits. Big-endian means that the first byte
contains the most significant 8 bits. If you've never seen
little-endian machines in action, you might think they're
doing things backwards. But they're no more backwards than
driving in Britain is backwards or the flushing of toilets
in the southern hemisphere is backwards. It's just
different, and takes a little getting used to if you aren't
already familiar with it. The PowerPC can actually run
either little-endian or big-endian. Be chose the big-endian
mode for the BeOS (Windows NT uses the little-endian mode).
16-bit integers (shorts) and 64-bit integers (long longs,
available with some compilers) are treated by processors in
an analogous manner. In other words, the big-endian and
little-endian versions are simply byte-for-byte mirror
images of each other. Floats and doubles are treated as if
they were 32-bit or 64-bit integers, with respect to endian-
ness issues. Bitfields are generally not portable, and
should be avoided when writing data externally. Of course,
ANSI C says nothing about what sizes the various types are,
and they can vary from platform to platform. The sizes I've
assumed here for the various C and C++ types are the ones
that are used on most modern platforms, including the
PowerPC versions of the BeOS. However, to be safe, it's
better to use typedefs than the built-in C++ data types to
force data items to be a given size on all platforms. In
DR9, Be will provide typedefs like "int32" to make this job
Now, some more background, this time having to do with
alignment. Many processors can't read a data item from just
any location in memory, but require it to be "aligned." For
example, the following code WON'T work on a PowerPC
char *c = malloc(9);
double *d = (double *)&c[1];
*d = 0; /* causes an exception on ppc */
That's because malloc will return a pointer that's "aligned"
on an 8-byte boundary (the pointer is a multiple of 8), and
the code is attempting to dereference a double on an odd
boundary (not a multiple of 8). That same code, however,
WILL work on an x86 processor (though it will run faster on
the x86 if you align it).
Because of this, compiler writers usually lay out your data
in a fashion that will both work with the processor and
perform well. Some compilers have flags to "pack" data, so
the data structures are smaller at the expense of running
slower. Hence the rules for alignment vary from machine to
machine, even on the same machine with the same compiler
(but different compiler flags).
OK, I hope now you understand the magnitude of the problem.
What's the solution, you ask? For alignment, the answer's
quite simple. The concept of "natural alignment" means you
lay out data in a way that's "natural" for the size of the
type. Shorts should be aligned on 2-byte boundaries,
integers and floats on 4-byte boundaries, and long longs and
doubles on 8-byte boundaries. This works for all processors
and compilers. For example, consider this very unportable
struct {
char c0;
double d;
char c1;
int i;
char c3;
short s;
} foo;
This structure and its elements will be aligned all kinds of
different ways with different processors and compilers. The
compiler will insert padding into the structure as necessary
to cause it to be aligned on the target processor.
Without reordering the data elements, you can force natural
alignment by inserting your own padding into the structure:
struct {
char c0;
char _pad0[7]; // align to 8-byte boundary
double d;
char c1;
char _pad1[3]; // align to 4-byte boundary
int i;
char c2;
char _pad2; // align to 2-byte boundary
short s;
} foo;
Of course, if you reorder things you can get a more
efficient structure without sacrificing natural alignment:
struct {
short s;
char __pad[2]; // force to 4-byte boundary
int i;
double d; // already at 8-byte boundary
} foo;
With natural alignment the alignment of a structure, versus
a scalar, should be the same as the alignment of the most
restrictive element it contains. For example, consider this
struct {
char c0;
struct {
double d;
} s;
char c1;
} foo;
The most restrictive element is the double, so both
structures foo.s and foo itself should be aligned on double
boundaries. To make this data portable, massage it as
struct {
char c0;
char _pad0[7]; // pad out to double boundary
struct {
double d;
} s;
char c;
char _pad1[7]; // pad out to double boundary
} foo;
If the most restrictive element were an integer, rather than
a double, then you'd only need 3 padding bytes instead of 7.
Notice the padding at the end of the structure. Another rule
of natural alignment is that structures should be sized to
by a multiple of their most restrictive element.
The last thing I want to say about natural alignment is that
there's no "natural" alignment for pointers, since pointers
can vary in size. They're 32 bits on PowerPC and Intel
processors, but on a DEC Alpha they're 64 bits. It doesn't
make any sense to transport a pointer to another machine
anyway, but you might think you can get away with it if you
only use the value internally to your application. You
can't, so leave the pointers out please. You'll be thankful
when it comes time to read the data back on a 64-bit
OK, so that does it for alignment. The harder problem is
dealing with endian-ness. There are several techniques. The
simplest way is to just set a bit somewhere indicating what
byte-order (little-endian or big-endian) your data was
written out in. Then when you read the data back, you simply
check the bit to see if it matches the endian-ness of your
current environment. If it matches, you do nothing. If it
doesn't, then you swap. However, if you haven't written your
little-endian application yet, then you can delay writing
the swapping code. Just put a panic statement in there as a
placeholder to remind you when you finally do port your
application. If you want to write the swapping code now, you
can take advantage of some handy routines that Be provides:
read_16_swap() , write_16_swap() , read_32_swap() ,
write_32_swap() . The read_64_swap() and write_64_swap()
routines are left as an exercise for the reader (hee, hee).
Consult the on-line documentation for more information about
the swapping functions.
Another way to deal with endian-ness is to always encode
things in some canonical format (usually big-endian). This
isn't an ideal way to do things, because machines with the
same byte-order communicating with each other will swap
things unnecessarily with some loss (usually very minimal)
in performance. If you want to use this technique, you can
use the Berkeley networking functions htons() , htonl() ,
ntohs() , and ntohl() , which convert shorts and longs back
and forth between native order ("host" order) and big-endian
order ("network" order). On big-endian platforms, such as
the BeOS, the functions do nothing; on little-endian
platforms, such as Windows NT, they swap the data. These
functions are available on any system with Berkeley sockets,
and your code should be portable to many platforms if you
use them.
Along the same lines, Sun's XDR (External Data
Representation) will encode and decode your data to and from
big-endian format, plus deal with alignment issues. Using
their stub compiler (rpcgen), it will even write all of the
XDR swapping code for you (really!). It isn't the most
efficient way to do things, but it does the job flawlessly
and can keep you from pulling your hair out if you're
dealing with fairly complex data. The package is free and
widely available. For example, you can get it in both source
and binary form in many Linux distributions.
We here at Be feel your pain. We're working on some tools to
make your life easier with respect to machine differences.
Look for them in the coming months. Until then, you can use
the information in this article. !kcul dooG, er, I mean,
good luck!
By Doug Fulton
A couple of days ago, I stepped up to bat at Safeway,
assumed my part as the novice in the call and response (C:
"hello" R: "hello" C: "how are you tonight" R: "oh, OK" C:
"that's good" R: ""), and then, rather than continue this
sham of an acquaintanceship, I avoided eye contact with the
checkeress and pretended to compute differential equations
in my head. As she pronounced my total, I noticed that she
was eating an apple. (No, wait. Let's make it some grapes.)
Not her grapes -- MY grapes, which I was about to pay for. I
gave her a look that requested an explanation; she stopped a
grape halfway to her open maw and held it up to better
gander at this bit of fruit that had, by weight of her
expression, stuck itself to her hand when she wasn't
looking. Then she threw it below her out of sight with a
pitch of disgust that I couldn't help but take personally.
Not an endearing opening parry, but it broke the ice. Words,
not unfriendly, were spoken.
(By the way, why are grocery stores so proud of having drug-
free employees? Really -- how much intelligence or presence
of mind does it take run a bar code over a scanner? Grocery
checking isn't exactly a going-somewhere career, the pay is lousy,
and I can't imagine that anyone with an ounce of self-
respect actually WANTS to be declared employee of the month,
plum parking spot aside. We might as well let the poor
grubbers relieve the tedium a bit. It's almost civic-minded:
If you're going to get looped, better to be at the console
of an NEC than behind the wheel of a stolen BMW. Some savvy
supermarket could even take up a slogan of cynical goodwill:
"Pik'N'Pay -- Keeping the Stoners Off the Street." I don't
care, I want my clerks happy -- as long as they don't get
hungry while they're ringing me up.)
Courtesies and histories were exchanged, and, half a
conversation later, when I told her I worked at Be, she
began to ask about the new File System API. The POSIX calls
she knew; but the C++ API... she'd heard it was screwy. So I
explained the class layout to her satisfaction:
- There are two fundamental classes:
BEntry and BNode .
BEntry objects identify files, let you ask uber-questions
about them (what's your name, who's your parent), and let
you manipulate them within the file hierarchy (rename, move,
remove). BEntry is instantiable and has no subclasses.
- The
BNode class also represents files; its mission is to
let you read and write the data (and attributes) that the
files contain. BNode is abstract; descending from it are...
BFile (and on to BResourceFile ), BDirectory , and BSymLink
(yes, symbolic links are supported in DR9). In each case,
the represented file is opened when the object is created;
destroy the object and the file is closed. In this way,
BNode s correspond to POSIX file descriptors.
BEntry and BNode both descend from a class called
BStatable , as in "able to be stat() 'ed." BStatable is
utterly abstract; it's simply a cover for the POSIX stat
structure and includes functions that get and set the stat
fields. Conceptually, it's cleaner to ignore BStatable as a
class and pretend that BEntry and BNode have no ancestor.
(BStatable is actually a "mix-in": It defines a set of
functions that each of the "mixed in" classes -- BEntry and
BNode in this case -- is obliged to implement. You never
instantiate a BStatable object. Forget I mentioned it.)
- Over in the corner are
BVolume , which should be obvious;
BVolumeRoster , a global list of currently mounted volumes;
and BQuery , which you can use to search for files based on
the values of their attributes. Let's ignore these classes
for now, as well.
The screwiness that my grape girl complained of centered on
the BEntry /BNode duality -- why have two classes that "mean"
the same thing (that is, a file)? Because (I answered) in
POSIX (from which all blessings flow) a "file" can mean a
"plain" file, a symbolic link, or a directory.
Let's back up a little more: In DR9, a file (whether plain,
link, or directory) is uniquely and persistently identified
by an "entry ref." Entry refs are the common currency of
file identification: If you want to tell another app about a
file, you pass it an entry ref. When the user drops file
icons on your app, the files show up in your app as a set of
entry refs.
Getting back to the duality business: Let's say someone has
just dropped an entry ref onto your app. You want to
construct a BFile , or a BSymLink , or a BDirectory object to
represent the ref. But you can't tell, from the ref itself,
which class to instantiate. You have to create a BEntry and
ask the object (through BStatable functions, actually, but
don't let's start) what sort of file it is. You can then
construct an object of the appropriate BNode subclass.
Is this screwy? No screwier than stat() 'ing a pathname and
then calling one of open() , readdir() , or readlink() .
Of course, this didn't tell the entire story, but my little
checkerella was starting to fog over, the folks behind me in
line were starting to smell, and, anyway, I had a wife
waiting at home and two kids locked in the trunk of my car
(you can't be too careful). Having, in the meantime,
cantilevered my produce into a replica of the Brandenburg
Gate, the bag boy asked, "What'll it be, sir, POSIX or C++?"
News from the Front
By William Adams
As I sit here, late with my newsletter article, I have
plenty of time to contemplate the nature of the Universe,
where Be is headed, and whether or not Godzilla is real.
I want to make a couple of final offerings to appease the
/boot/apps gods. So this week we have the source for a
couple of the final holdouts.
Font Demo: This one's been a staple of our demos for the
past year. It demonstrates our drawing speed and how to do a
few UI type things. It's not too exciting, but those who
haven't delved very deeply into our font code might find
this useful.
Font Chart: This one probably doesn't get much play, but
it's equally useful for those who are wanting to delve into
the bowels of fontdom. You can use Font Chart to select a
font and display all its characters. It also does some nice
funky things with keyboard events.
With these two programs, this concludes our release of
sample apps from the /boot/apps directory. It's taken a few
months and quite a few newsletter articles, but everything
that was fit for publishing has been published.
These will also serve as the basis for conversion to DR9.
That is, we'll try to refer back to these source bases to
give you a leg up on how to get to DR9 when it's available.
Speaking of DR9, the offer of the porting lab is still open.
So send in your name to and express your
interest in participating in our porting lab. The date is
still middle to late March, which still isn't solid, but
gives you an idea as to what our schedule is.
We should have a lot of fun during this porting process, and
the end result will be your products running on DR9 real
soon. Again, you'll only really want to participate if
you're trying to ship an actual product that's time critical
with the release of DR9.
When I first joined Be way back when, there was this
BeDevTalk mailing list, which the community used to
communicate with each other and with Be. The list at the
time dumped 100 e-mail messages into my mailbox every day.
That's lot of mail to go through if you're on the receiving
end. Since that time I've had to take responsibility for
mail coming to DevSupport, DevServices, and CustSupport.
Another 100 messages a day. Not wanting to be a slave to my
desk all day reading mail, we've hired additional people to
take care of some of this. Brian Mikol is a new hire who's
slowly learning the ropes and dealing with the DevServices
and CustSupport mail. Brian's a smart guy and will come up
to speed rapidly -- then we'll dump more in his lap.
The BeDevTalk mailing list is still useful, and at times
becomes quite rancorous. There are now more avenues
available to developers who want to communicate with the Be
community. The news group has been split into
quite a few groups, including,
advocacy, programming, and the like. In order to lighten the
load on BeDevTalk, some people might find it convenient to
direct their comments to one of those public forums. It
would be a tremendous boost to all developers if the
BeDevTalk list were limited to discussions that are
technical in nature, with a high signal to noise ratio.
Advocacy, ranting, and other list-bulging discussions can go
elsewhere. This will help us remain responsive to your true
needs when they do arise from the list.
Also, there are a couple of efforts underway to index this
mailing list and provide searchable content through the Web.
This should make this list more approachable and useful to
DR9 is coming inevitably closer to completion and release.
There's a lot promised and hinted at in this release. Here
at Be we try to underpromise and overdeliver, but when
there's a long time between releases, things can get a bit
hyped up. We hope that DR9 will live up to our publicly
stated promises, and maybe even offer some pleasant
surprises. As it gets closer, you might notice our engineers
becoming more silent. When this happens, don't fret, it's a
sure sign that you're about to get a new release.
The Heat on the Clones
By Jean-Louis Gassée
It looks like Apple isn't so sure it likes the Mac clones
anymore. This is neither surprising nor innocuous. It could
end up doing irreparable harm to Apple and to the industry
in general. Hopefully, Apple's recent actions have been
misunderstood, the concerns of Mac cloners are overstated,
and -- to be positive and proactive -- there's a profitable
and friendly way out of Apple's dilemma. We've heard about
Apple Australia's alleged saber-rattling at Apple dealers
who also sell Mac clones. The written document was promptly
leaked to the media. We saw the news of a seminar in Oregon
touting the advantages of Apple's hardware against the
products of Power Computing, Motorola, UMAX, DayStar, and
others. The licensees paying money to Apple must find the
idea interesting. Perhaps they're planning a seminar across
the street where they'll extol their flexibility, price,
marketing, or quality. Just kidding, I think. We learned
Apple doesn't intend to license PowerBook designs, much to
the chagrin of cloners and customers. We heard questions
regarding Apple's real commitment to deliver a CHRP version
of the MacOS. And there are rumors Apple will demand much
higher license fees for the new hardware designs, several
hundred dollars we're told by several sources. The alleged
reason is the need to recoup hardware engineering costs at
Apple. Privately, Apple executives express irritation at the
clones' "cherrypicking" and claim Apple's making all the
investment in the platform and the cloners reap all the
profit. Let's hope these are false rumors or merely reflect
a temporary loss of composure.
As for "cherrypicking," the cloners exhibit unpredictable
behavior: Looking for the highest profit. As for making all
the effort and the cloners making money out of Apple's
investment, one thought that's what licensing the platform
was about. We sell you a license. We both expect to make
more money out of the deal than we put in. The cloner's
margins are supposed to more than pay for the fee. And Apple
is supposed to make real money out of the licensing
business. Well, it seems that's where the stated
assumptions, or the implementation, went wrong.
Regarding the stated assumptions, Apple went into the
licensing business for reasons others than directly making
money from it. At the time, a little more than two years
ago, Apple's management felt the Macintosh platform needed
more credibility. The Mac was labeled as proprietary, no
alternative source of supply, no competition. With Mac
clones, the reasoning went, software developers would invest
more because the cloning would grow the Mac ecological
niche, and corporate purchasers would feel better, safer,
about Apple and the Macintosh. Then, as the cloners came on
line, Apple's business and credibility started suffering for
reasons unrelated to the presence of alternative sources of
Power Mac hardware. As a result, these successful players in
the Mac niche only exacerbated Apple's financial problems.
Instead of a positive-sum game where everyone benefited from
a growing PowerPC industry segment, the sum of the game now
appears to be zero and the cloners' profits seem to be
sucked from Apple's income statement. "Seem" is the verb I
just used because we don't know. Where would the Power Mac
segment be without the pioneering, audacious marketing of
Power Computing, without players like UMAX, MP systems from
DayStar, or the credibility of Motorola targeting business
The temptation might be to return to the old days where
Apple ruled alone, or to increase licensing fees "as
needed." The first would durably damage Apple's credibility
at a critical time. So would the latter, by discouraging
Yet there's a way out of this situation, a way that would
maintain a healthy growing Mac-compatible segment and
preserve Apple's freedom to make both hardware and software
for as long as their shareholders want them to. Right now, a
cloner must license both hardware and software. That's the
rub. Apple needs to let go of the hardware licensing
business, establish a basic hardware design, the equivalent
of the PC/AT at the core of all PC clones -- let's call it
the PPC/AT -- and supply software that runs on that platform
-- no ifs, no buts. I wrote supply, not give. OEM licenses
or shrink-wrap licenses are available at competitive rates.
Everyone's free to improve on that core. The cloners can add
hardware features and supply drivers. So can the mother
ship. But each basic release of the OS works on the standard
PPC/AT implementation. No more cherrypicking, no more trying
to pass on the cost of hardware designs, just software
licensing fees and market forces.
Unfortunately, there are several holes in this scenario. One
is that Apple could fear its inability to provide
competitive designs, picturing itself as overwhelmed by the
cumulated energy and creativity of many third-party
designers extending the platform. The corollary hole is that
Apple could be tempted to design "private" features into the
system software only accessible by its own hardware design,
thus protecting a competitive advantage. From time to time,
Microsoft is accused of doing this in Windows for its
applications. In any event, Apple's current licensing
program suffers from several genetic or structural defects.
Apple licensing was not born out of the desire to make money
in and of itself, and structural problems arise from the
entanglement of hardware and software in licensing
Appointing CHRP (or any other design) as the PPC/AT, letting
everyone build around it, and delivering, at last, a Mac OS
version for CHRP, is Apple's way to free its software
licensing from hardware complications. It will rekindle
confidence and stimulate growth in the PowerPC industry.
This might even free Apple, in turn, to copy the Microsoft
model and build an immensely profitable application business
on a thriving PPC niche and a NeXT-based Mac OS. Apple
shareholders might like that kind of Microsoft cloning.
BeDevTalk Summary
BeDevTalk is an unmoderated discussion group that's a forum
for the exchange of technical information, suggestions,
questions, mythology, and suspicions. In this column, we
summarize some of the active threads, listed by their
subject lines as they appear, verbatim, in the group.
To subscribe to BeDevTalk, visit the mailing list page on
our Web site:
- ----WEEK 2---------------------------
Subject: Fonts, fonts, fonts!
More requests:
Open the system so new font engines can be added as add-ons.
Implement the alpha channel for alpha-defined anti-aliasing.
And discussion:
How should font color be handled? Should color data be
recognized, or should fonts be defined as grayscale with
What about background color? A font engine that renders over
a graphic (or other nonuniform color) needs more info than
simply a solid background color.
Bitmap vs outline fonts:
The demise of bitmap fonts (in DR9) was lamented by a few.
How can outline fonts look good in something like Terminal?
Anti-aliasing and outline->bitmap conversion were offered as
possible solutions. The pro-bitmap crowd felt that with all
the good bitmaps that are currently available, conversion is
unnecessary and wasteful.
THE BE LINE: Sorry, but add-on font engines will not be
supported in DR9, nor will you be able to directly load
bitmap fonts.
- ----NEW---------------------------
Subject: resolutions
Currently, Be defines screen sizes through a set of
constants. But the world seems to be moving to more flexible
resolutions. It was suggested that the constant-definition
method be dropped in favor of an x/y/depth/refresh-rate
encoding within a 64-bit value. Implementations and
refinements were offered.
Relatedly, Chris Blackbourn asked for "screen quality"
control in the Game Kit:
"What I'd like is a Game Kit call that returns a screen of a
certain 'speed.' Where speed=1.0 means 'gimme the fastest
available screen you've got,' and speed=0.0 means 'give me
the highest resolution screen you've got.'"
THE BE LINE: An encoded resolution is a pretty good idea,
and we're looking at the implications. However, we can't
promise anything for DR9.
- ----NEW---------------------------
Subject: High Bandwidth multimedia
AKA: What is Be's role?
What's the ideal system for real-time processing of wide
data? Is the BeOS it? And, more generally, what should be
made of Be's espoused emphasis on multimedia content
Technically, the argument centered on bandwidth vs.
dedicated processing: Certain flavors of UNIX are great for
pumping huge amounts of data, but with invisible daemons and
uncertain scheduling, latency is hard to guarantee. "Not
exactly so," said many UNIX supporters. They felt that UNIX
doesn't deserve the unfriendly scheduling reputation: Many
new flavors have emerged recently that CAN do real-time
signal processing. Tangentially, the thread moved into a
discussion of what constitutes UNIX.
On the philosophical side, a few listeners offered their
interpretations of (and offered suggestions for) Be's
direction. Eventually this discussion led back to analyses
of Be's real-time abilities.
- ----NEW---------------------------
Subject: Time is running out!
Chris Herborth listed issues that need to be resolved before
the BeOS can be considered forward-compatible and encouraged
others to contribute. This turned into a general wish list
as many of the requests were not strictly needed for forward
compatibility. Some highlights:
- More binary formats and an Application Binary Interface
- Internationalization
- Driver registry
- Clear data format definitions and assumptions
- Language independence
- Multi-user support and security
- More and better bitmap (as in
BBitmap ) support
The thread lurched into the perennial discussion of "how
backwardly compatible should an app be?"
>From Michael Bayne:
" you use or know of anyone who uses a piece of
software that has not been updated in 5 years? It's a very
romantic thing to think that someone could write the perfect
piece of software that could benefit from no updates... I'd
say such a beast does not exist."
A new, slightly cynical, twist was added to the argument:
Software companies LIKE incompatible OS updates because it
means revenue.
- ----NEW---------------------------
Subject: addressing pixels
Center-based vs edge-based pixel coordinate systems. Which
is better?