Welcome to the ZEUS Experiment

ZEUS DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22603 Hamburg, Germany
Phone:(+49)(40)8998 3680 Fax: (+49)(40) 8998 3092,

This is the World Wide Web Information Server for the ZEUS Experiment, which is one of the experiments operating at the HERA (Hadron Elektron Ring Anlage) - elementary particle collider located at DESY, Hamburg, Germany. The other experiments on HERA are: H1 and HERMES. DESY (Deutsches Elektronen
SYnchrotron) is a High Energy Physics ( HEP) laboratory.

Some of the directorys are accessible just for the members of the experiment , sorry.
ZEUS Directory,
Every thing you can read in MANUALS,
User Directory,
Some other information.

We appreciate any suggestions or comments regarding our WWW server.
Wojtek Bogusz