Galactic Wide Web:
A WWW Gateway for Project Galactic Guide
This is the WWW gateway to the Project Galactic Guide
(PGG), that Wholly Remarkable Usenet Effort to create
a guide in the nature and style of
Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I
simply provide these articles -- neither I nor Willamette University
take any responsibility as to their content. Share and enjoy!
You can either
or take a
look at the table of contents.
For more information, you may want to take a look at
- alt.galactic-guide, the
newsgroup dealing with this particular mess o' memes
- The PGG archives at,
which include:
- the PGG FAQ,
- information about the article
- an as-yet unimplemented text
format (which provides many of the same sorts of things as HTML
does, as far as I can tell),
- several browsers for different systems,
- and, of course, the articles in their raw format.
You may also want to look at my technical
notes or my philosophical notes
on this Web gateway.
Note: please don't send me requests to convert
portions of articles to HTML -- I can't guarantee their stability, as
I'm only mirroring I do notice, however, that
the FTP site now has an archive of HTML-ified PGG
articles which may mean someone has led the battle cry to HTMLify
the Guide. Whee!
Unfortunately, my news feed
prohibits from following the alt.galactic-guide newsgroup, so I'm
not certain of this.
James "Eric" Tilton, Yet Another Excuse
to Waste Time on the Internet,