Vincit Omnia Geographia
Department of Geography, University of Texas at Austin
Austin , TX 78712-1098, Phone: (512)
471-5116, FAX: (512) 471-5049
The Department,part of the College of Liberal Arts, offers programs leading to the B.A., M.A. and Ph.D.
degrees. Throughout its history , the department has supported
regional and international studies, with special emphases on Texas and the United States, Latin America, the
Mediterranean World and Middle East, northern and eastern Europe, and South Asia. The Department has
also provided training in the topical areas of geography, particularly cultural and historical geography, cultural
ecology, environmental resource management, urban and regional analysis, physical geography, and
geographical techniques including geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing, and computer
1. Programs and Facilities
- Undergraduate Study --
Information about College Requirements, Major core requirements, special opportunities for undergraduates including study abroad and honors programs, and the U.T. Geography Club.
- Graduate Study-- Information about programs and degrees awarded, Financial aid, and special activities in the Department.
- Department Laboratory Facilities
2. People
3. Projects
1. The Geographer's Craft Project
A project to develop an entire on-line curriculum in geographical techniques using active-learning
strategies and hypermedia techniques. The materials include lecture and discussion notes,
assignments and exercises, tip sheets for software systems, and a bibliography and glossary. An on-
line article and lecture describes the project in detail. Students in the class are also publishing in the
Web. Click to see the student directory or the directory of the project staff .
2. The Virtual Department Project
An announcement for a project to link curricula among geography departments nationally and
internationally using the Internet and Worldwide Web.
4. EarthWorks, an on-line hypermedia journal of geography. Est. 1995.
4. Places to Go
These materials were prepared by Dr. Kenneth E. Foote of the Department and revised by Shannon Crum. Send comments and suggestions to
Last revised 10 March 1995. KEF.