Welcome to the University of Oklahoma's WWW server. OU INFO is a hypermedia experiment in campus networking. It will grow only through the contributions and participation of the campus community. OU INFO seeks to involve and empower disciplines and other areas of the academy not traditionally represented in digital forums and spaces. OU INFO is located at the University of Oklahoma's University Computing Services. This server is under heavy development, so if you are having problems please send us mail.
Usage stats about our server are now available in a graphical format.
Campus Overview
OU Calendar of Events
What's New at OU
Campus Life at OU
Library Services
Campus Publications
Departmental pages and servers
A Walk Around Campus
Searchable Online University Phonebook
Computing at
University Computing Services
UCS provides computer-related services to the University community by maintaining mainframe and remote hardware, by updating software and documentation, and by offering technical consulting support to academic computer users. UCS News, a newsletter published by computing services, is now available in electronic format. UCS also offers free, noncredit short courses on subjects including desktop publishing, word processing, and the internet. You can also request a e-mail alias electronically through this system.
Other Local Homepages
Computing at OU
OU Gophers and Network Services
OK Weather Roundup
If you have any suggestions for additions to this server, or if you would like to set up your own departmental server at the University of Oklahoma, please contact Steve Tharp by E-mail at Usage stats are now available in a graphical format.