T3plus Networking, Inc. 3393 Octavius Drive Santa Clara, CA 95054 (408) 727-4545 (tel) 1-800-477-7585 (408) 727-5151 (fax) email: info@t3plus.comT3plus is the leading supplier of integrated broadband (nxT1, T3, SONET and ATM) networking solutions to organizations and carriers worldwide. Its intelligent bandwidth managers and switches provide cost-effective and reliable voice, data, video and image communications at multimegabit speeds.
You're already a T3plus network user -- if you use the Internet to communicate with colleagues across the US or to access the many new Internet services, your communications rely on high-speed T3plus bandwidth managers.
High-speed T3plus BMX45 bandwidth managers were selected to meet the growing communications demands of the millions of computer users accessing the National Science Foundation NSFnet backbone service, the primary backbone for the Internet in the US. The bandwidth managers were selected because of their ability to: