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HST's Greatest Hits 1990-1995 Picture Gallery
Welcome to the Space Telescope Science Institute WWW Server. The Hubble Space
Telescope is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research
in Astronomy (AURA) via the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI).
The descriptions
below will help you choose the correct path through our Web to find the
information you need. You may also want to
Access All Files .
Information and tools for searching and using the archive
of past HST observations.
Handbooks and guides for proposing, observing, and data reduction.
Information on the scientific instruments aboard HST. Includes
links to handbooks, instrument status, calibration information, and
instrument science Reports.
Information and resources for HST observers, including
Phase II proposal and budget templates and software,
as well as the weekly HST observation schedule.
Information and tools for astronomers proposing HST
observations. Resources include the call for proposals,
templates and instructions, and documentation.
Contains links to information of general interest to educators,
students, the media, and the general Public. These include pictures
in several formats (GIF, TIFF, and JPEG) resulting from observations
from HST instruments as well as movies and animation and the text of
press releases. It also includes Hypercard Books for the Macintosh.
Contains links to the STSDAS software, Digitized Sky Survey CD-ROM
information, hcompress image compression software, and Telescope
Image Modeling software.
Information about the Space Telescope Science Institute,
its staff, library, and meetings, and about the Publications
of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
Chris O'Dea /
April 21, 1995
Design by Chris O'Dea, Dave Paradise, Mark Stevens and Zolt Levay