Welcome to SPIE's Web Server

SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

A non-profit professional association dedicated to advancing research and applications in the optical sciences.

Directory of Services

SPIE Proceedings, Optical Engineering Press, Journals, OE Reports newspaper, and more.

Short courses (in person, on videotape, or via satellite), and our annual Optics Education guide.

Conferences, Symposia, Exhibits

Membership, Working Groups, SPIE Leadership and Staff

Current listings from the OE Reports Placement Exchange.

Links to other sites of interest, optical standards info, and news from SPIE and other publications and organizations.

Yes, we know it's slow.

SPIE Web has been swamped with web surfers recently, and we are taking steps (upgrading our bandwidth) to resolve the speed problem. Unfortunately, our upgrade has been delayed by the phone company's inability to give us a firm date. We're working on them! In the meantime, we ask for your patience.
Important Notice: Effective 15 January 1995, SPIE's telephone area code changed to 360. Please change your address book, speed dialing, modem, fax machine, or whatever needs changing, to the following:
The old area code will still work for a few months. Please notify us, your local phone company, and the people in charge of your phone system of any problems. Our regional phone company, US West, will work with each caller to investigate the problem...call them at 800-441-5516. (The deadline for phasing out use of the 206 area code has been extended to August of this year.)

Construction Notice:

We are doing a lot of work on this server at this time. Please forgive us if we drop your connection unexpectedly.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please email them to www@spie.org.

SPIE Web Staff