Finally, NIKOS supports multiple-word searches...
Right now search words are conjuctive, so that increasing
the number of words narrows the search.
Some examples:
Internet RFC's: internet rfc
Schools on the Internet: internet school
AIDS research: research aids
Genetic Agorithms: genetic algorithms
Other (gasp!) Search Engines: search engines
You get the idea.
NIKOS is a project between Rockwell Network Systems and
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo to create a fast and friendly
Internet Resource Locator.
To tell NIKOS about a site...
Current Bugs...
- Need logical search operations
- We're only running 4 servers for now and using a very small pipe. Please be patient...
What we're working on (in order)...
- Logical queries (AND, OR, NOT)
- Form to check on an URL's status
- Ranking of results according to relevance
- 20-threaded server
- Form to verify an URL's status
- Replicated Servers
If you have questions or comments, just send mail to
James Aviani