RNP - Rede Nacional de Pesquisa
Central WWW server of RNP, the Brazilian Research Network. Provides information about Internet in Brazil and has links to most WWW, Gopher and FTP servers in the country.

CR-DF/RNP - Centro Regional de Brasília
Regional WWW server of RNP in Brasília (capital). Information about Bioinformatics, Sustainable Development and Mercosul.

CR-SP/RNP - Centro Regional de São Paulo
Regional WWW server of RNP in São Paulo, SP.

BDT - Base de Dados Tropical
(Tropical Data Base - BDT) provides information of interest to Biotechnology and Biodiversity including Brazilian Directories, Brazilian Patents and the Biodiversity Information Network (BIN21) Home Page.

CATS Program - Course on Advanced Software Technologies
The CATS Program offers a graduate diploma course in the area of development and application of advanced software technologies. The course is aimed at re-training experienced industry computer specialists interested in learning about the most up-to-date software techologies.

CPDEE/UFMG - Electrical Engineering Research and Development Center
This server contains information about electrical engineering courses at Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG.

CESUP/UFRGS - National Supercomputing Centre
The Brazilian National Supercomputing Center (CESUP), located at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), is a high-performance computing and research center designed to serve the Brazilian computational science and engineering community.

IIISis - Instituto Internacional de Integração de Sistemas
The server contains information about the institute, the projects in course and the Fourth International Conference on Systems Integration (ICSI'96).

INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
National Institute for Space Research - INPE is a Brazilian government organization dedicated to space science and technology and Earth observation.

LAFEX - Laboratório de Cosmologia e Física Experimental de Altas Energias
General information about our laboratory, including the collaborations, schools and conferences.

LNCC - National Laboratory for Scientific Computation
Promotes research and development in science and engineering through advanced computational methods, maintaining computer facilities to support its activities. Belongs to the National Council for Sientific and Technological Development (CNPq).

OBSN - National Observatory, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
The National Observatory (ON) is an institute for research in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Geophysics, operating under the administration of the CNPq - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. The main goal of the researchers at the National Observatory is to pursue studies of those basic physical processes that determine the nature and evolution of the universe.

PUC-Rio - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Provides information about the work of researchers from all the departments, a sensitive map of the campus, and links to the Gopher-PUC and other sources of information. In portuguese and english.

UFBA - the Program of Research and Graduate Courses in Geophysics of the Federal University of Bahia
Objective, historical development, capacitation, facilities, and activities of research and graduate studies on geophysics and geology of the Program of Research and Graduate Courses in Geophysics of the Federal University of Bahia.

UFSC - Department of Informatics
Provides an index to all Brazilian Network Services, a World Index by Continent (graphic). Also includes information about the Department of Informatics.

COPPE/UFRJ - Coordenação de Programas de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia
Information in english about UFRJ's engineering graduate school and research center.

UNICAMP - The State University of Campinas W3 Server, Campinas, SP
Parallel Computing articles (mirror of Cornell Theory Center), links to other W3 and gopher servers, local info, FAQ's, Mirror of SIMTEL20 and FTP.CICA.INDIANA.EDU files, and much more...

DCA/Unicamp - Department of Computer Engineering and Industrial Automation
Provides Information about the Department of Computer Engineering and Industrial Automation (DCA) of Unicamp, located in Campinas, SP.

DCC/Unicamp - Computer Science Department
Provides Information about the Computer Science Department of Unicamp, located in Campinas, SP.

FEE/Unicamp - School of Electrical Engineering
General information about FEE, including research activies, laboratories, courses, people, etc. Located in Campinas, SP.

IME/USP - Institute of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of São Paulo
Contains information about the four departments within the IME (Computer Science, Statistics, Pure and Applied Maths): research activities, faculty members, researchers, students, courses held by the Institute, facilities etc. Located in São Paulo, SP.

IF/USP - Institute of Physics at the University of São Paulo
Here you can find several informations, like informations about USP and IFUSP, available services in the Brazilian Network, list of Brazilian nodes, news from Brazilian newspapers, etc. Located in São Paulo, SP.