Welcome to the House Rabbit Society WWW Server!

The House Rabbit Society is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization with two primary goals:

  1. To rescue abandoned rabbits and find permanent homes for them and
  2. To educate the public and assist humane societies, through publications on rabbit care, phone consultation, and classes upon request.

Since 1988 over 2,800 rabbits have been rescued through House Rabbit Society foster homes across the country. The House Rabbit Society has been granted a tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue code for prevention of cruelty to animals.

I'd like to thank the Large-scale Parallel Software Group at the MIT Lab for Computer Science for allowing us to use this space.

Rabbits Available For Adoption - Pix & Bios

House Rabbit Society Info

Thinking of a Rabbit As a House Pet?

General Rabbit Info

Caring For and Living With a House Rabbit

Articles From the House Rabbit Journal

Pictures & Other Rabbit Related Links

HRS Server Usage Statistics

This server is still under construction. If you have any corrections or information you'd like to contribute, you can send me mail.

Last Modifed: 3/14/95
