The Foundation has assisted in searches for more than one hundred and thirty missing and abducted children. Foundation volunteers have designed, printed and assisted in the distribution of flyers for thirty five of these search efforts. All but four have been returned safely.
Missing from Lemoore, CA
Date Missing: 3-27-95
Date of Birth: 6-8-86
Age: 8 years
Height: 4'5"
Weight: 65 lbs
Build: Slight
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
3" burn scar on right forearm.
Race: Hispanic
She was last seen purchasing a can of tuna at the Food King Market at approximately 3:30PM on Monday, March 27, 1995. The market is located at Bush St. and 19th Ave in Lemore, Ca. about 3 block from her home.
SHe was wearing green pants with black polka dots, a pink long sleeve shirt and black shoes.
Missing from Chattanooga, Tenn.
Date Missing: 8-14-94
Date of Birth: 1-6-90
Age: 4 years
Height: 3'6"
Weight: 38 lbs
Build: Medium
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Sandy, worn in cornroll braids
Birthmarks on right thigh and left side under arm
Race: Black, light complexion
Wearing white pajama bottoms with pink roses and a white pajama top with multicolored stars. Last seen in bed in her home on the 1700 block of Tunnell Blvd in Chattanooga on August 14th.
If you have any information about Jameika Porch call the Chattanooga Police Department (615)698-2525 or the Polly Klaas Foundation at (800)587-4357.
Date of Birth: 12-19-93
Hair: Lt Brown, very short
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 22"
Weight: 15 lbs
Race: White/Latino
Complexion: Light
Other: Light pink birthmark on back of the neck at hairline
Last seen wearing a white jumpsuit with pink and white socks. Missing from Clyde's Market in Chiloquin, Oregon on July 8, 1994.
If you have any information about Annalycia Crus please call the Klamath County Oregon Sheriff (503)885-5130 or the Polly Klaas Foundation (800) 587-4357.
Press here to see a photograph of Crystal (88K)
If you have information about Crystal call the Los Angeles police (213) 485-4178 or the Polly Klaas Foundation (800) 587-4357
Date of Birth: 9/23/87
Missing: 6/30/94
Eyes: Hazel
Race: White
Height: 4'
Weight: 60 lbs
Hair: Dark blond, shoulder-lenght but may be cut short
Last seen wearing a pink t-shirt, flowered shorts and white tennis shoes with a "Little Mermaid" design. She was last seen in the 6000 block of Brynhurst Ave in So. Central Los Angeles.
Press here to see photographs of Branden and alledged abductor(93K)
If you have information about Branden Kern call the Sanders Co. Montana Sherriff (406) 827-3584 or the Polly Klaas Foundation at (800) 587-4357
Missing from Noxon, Montana sence 4/29/94
White, male
Date of Birth: 12/16/87
Height: 4'
Weight: 48 lbs
Hair: Blond, curly
Eyes: Blue
Rosenna Davis
Last seen in Clinton, Montana
Date Missing: 4/29/94
White, female
Age 24
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: tall, thin
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond, curly perm
(83K) Press here to see a photograph of Melissa
If you have information about Melissa call the sacramento County sherriff at (916) 440-5115 or the Polly Klaas Foundation (800)587-4357
Date Missing: 12/2/93
Date of Birth: 9/23/81
Race: Hispanic
Height 5'1"
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair: Brown, long, permed
Eyes: Brown
Other: Hamemade tatoo of a heart around an "M" on hand by thumb.
Last seen wearing a black "Bulls" jacket, black pants, black low top "Nike" shoes.
Press here to see a photograph of Penny(120K)
Missing from Tonasket, WA
Date Missing: 9/17/94
Date of Birth: 5/25/85
Age: 9 years
Height 4'3"
Weight: 65 lbs.
Build: slender
Eyes: hazel
Hair: blond, straight, past shoulders, may have bangs
Race: Caucasian
Complexion: Fair
Other: Scar over right knee
Wearing white t-shirt with flowers with Hawaii written on it, purple stretch pannts with yellow horizontal stripe on lower portion
Last seen on Patterson Rd. off Aeneas Valley, 15 miles east of Tonasket, WA.
If you have any information about Penny call the Okanagan County Sheriff (509)442-7200 or call the Polly Klass Foundation at (800)587-4357
assisted: missing child, Malia Stomquist - returned safe (8/27 - 8/31/94)
assisted: parental abduction of Aaron Jacob Romero - found safe (8/13 - 8/22/94)
assisted: stranger abduction of Anna Marie Emry - found deceased ( 8/13 - 8/18/94)
assisted: runaway, Christaleigh Ramsey - returned safe (8/1 - 8/16/94)
assisted: runaway, Caitlin Byrd - returned safe (8/8 - 8/9/94)
assisted: runaway, Tammara Weis - returned safe (6/27 - 6/30/94)
assisted: runaway, Sarah Joy Traube - returned safe (5/8 - 7/19/94)
assisted: stranger abduction of Katie Romanek - returned safe (7/2 - 7/3/94) Called in by Petaluma Police & Lodi Police
assisted: runaway, Davenj Bradley - returned safe 95/27 - 5/30/94)
assisted: missing, Sarah Jensen - returned safe (5/26 - 5/27/94)
assisted: runaway, Nichole Marie Abbot & Natalie Rivera - returned safe (5/10 - 5/15/94)
assisted: runaway, Cindy Solis & Darlene Solis - returned safe (5/10 - 5/15/94)
assisted: parental abduction of Christopher Ryan Eagle - returned safe (4/18 - 5/13/94) Called in by Rohnert Park Public Safety Department
assisted: parental abduction of Kaitlin Harries - returned safe (4/10 - 5/20/94)
assisted: missing child, Reco Maximo - returned safe (4/7 - 4/10/94)
assisted: parental abduction of Dylan James Schuleter - returned safe (4/1 - 4/6/94) Called in by Willits Police Department
assisted: missing child, Shannon Lynn Barry - returned safe (3/30 - 3/31/94) Called in by Ukiah Police Department
assisted: abduction of David Chung - found deceased (3/21/94)
assisted: runaway, Meriha Grace Valdez - returned safe (3/3 - 3/5/94)
assisted: parental abduction of Emilia Talavera - returned safe (2/14 - 2/19/94) Called in by Rohnert Park Public Safety Department
assisted: missing child, Krystal Frazier - returned safe (2/13 - 2/14/94) Called in by Petaluma Police and FBI
assisted: runaway, Teresita Delgado - returned safe (1/26 - 1/30/94)
assisted: Paula Sarceno - returned safe (1/26 - 1/30/94)
assisted: abduction of Jsameen Semien-Johnson - returned safe (12/93 - 1/3/94)
US Attorney General, Janet Reno came to Petaluma to honor the Polly Klaas Foundation and to talk about the Federal Crime Bill (7/9/94).
Senate Bill 12X - Thompson-Presley Violent Crime Information, Investigation and Technology Act of 1994 (VCIC) - state of the art databAse to track serious and sexual felons, establish CAL-DNA Offender file, Sexual Habitual Offender Program Task Force and Supervised Release file. Information available only to law enforcement, including officers in patrol cars. (July 1994)
The FBI has since used our forensic artist, Jeannie Boylan in kidnapped cases.
Antioch Response; the community of Antioch looked like file footage of the Polly search. Ruth Maier was returned within 3 days 912/22 - 12/25/93).
San Francisco FBI is changing kidnap protocol based on Polly's case (December 1993)
Petaluma Police Department is changing kidnap protocol based on Polly's case (December 1993)
San Francisco FBI sets up kidnapped task force (January 1994)
President Clinton endorses a stronger sentencing for violent felons in his State of the Union speech (January 1994)
Assembly Bill 99X (State) - diversionary programs for first time non-violent offenders. Community based punishment act of 1994. This bill is scheduled to be signed.
Polly Klaas Child Rescue Act of 1994 (Federal) - which will make up to $15,000 available for postage to families of confirmed stranger abductions
missing child, Jeanna North - Fargo, North Dekota, kidnapped June 1993
missing child, Stephanie Crane - Challis, Idaho, kidnapped October 1993
parental abduction of Branden Kern - Montana, kidnapped June 6, 1994
parental abduction of Justin & Andrea Frumenti - Antioch, Ca, kidnapped May 1994.
missing child, Crystal Tymich - South Central LA, CA missing since June 30, 1994
missing child, Annalycia Cruz - Chiloquin, Oregon, missing since July 8, 1994
missing child, Melissa Espinoza - Rancho Cordova, Ca, missing since December 2, 1993.
missing child, Jameika Porch - Chattanooga, TN, missing since August 12, 1994.
Press here to visit the Maxwell Missing Children Database.