K-12 Resources
Monta Vista Curriculum Resources Sampler...
- A sample of what Monta Vista students and staff are finding on the
- Other K-12 Home
- Gleason Sackmann's K-12 Homepage List, the most complete and definite
list we've seen so far.
- Educational Online Sources: The
Internet and K-12 Education...
- Important and useful resources dealing with K-12 educators,
education, and Internet.
- The Hub
- The home page for the Regional Alliance for Mathematics and Science
Reform, sponsored by the US Department of Education.
- The NASA K-12 NREN server...
- The gopher server of the NASA K-12 NREN Initiative that got us on the
net in the first place, containing
helpful introductory information and frequently asked questions on Internet in
If you are interested in getting your school on the Internet, read this
Surfing cyberspace
Explore the net...
- Starting points for Internet exploration, including links to many
subject catalogs and search services, from Netscape Communications
A very complete catalog organized by subject of the Internet.
MV Students' Internet top picks...
- Monta Vista Internet students pick the coolest stuff on the Net
Help for Monta Vista Users...
Authoring for the Web...
- Information, instructions and resources for the Monta Vista community and
beyond on
writing hypermedia documents for the web.
Mark Wang