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to Microsoft's® World Wide Web server. This server provides public information about Microsoft Corporation and its products. The information contained on this server is COPYRIGHT and may not be distributed, modified, reused, re-posted, or otherwise used outside the scope of a WWW client without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. WWW.MICROSOFT.COM is running Microsoft's Windows NT(tm) Server 3.5 and EMWAC's HTTPS Service.

We're under construction!

What information are you looking for?

  1. What's New (last updated 05-APR-95)
  2. Information for Federal Customers
  3. BackOffice Information and White Papers
  4. Developer Network OffRamp
  5. Windows(tm) News
  6. The Microsoft Network
  7. Windows Sockets Standard
  8. Access the Microsoft Knowledge Base and Software Library
  9. Employment Opportunities at Microsoft
  10. Microsoft Sales Information
  11. Microsoft TechNet
  12. Microsoft TV
  13. General information about Microsoft
  14. Internet Assistant for Microsoft Word has been released!
  15. Microsoft Word Viewer released!

If you are not sure what you are looking for, try our new search feature.

Other Internet Services Provided by Microsoft

ftp.microsoft.com provides anonymous FTP access to Knowledge Base articles, sample code, patches and other support related products. gopher.microsoft.com provides a full-text searchable version of the Knowledge Base, a file name searchable version of the Software Library, the Microsoft Developer Network Library files, as well as information on the Microsoft Support Network.

How are we doing?

We'd love to have your feedback about this service. If you are interested in what type of machine WWW.MICROSOFT.COM is, check out our server specifications page.

New Feature!

We invite you to use our new search feature from the home page!

Our search engine supports Boolean searches. Here are some hints on using our search engine to find what you are looking for.

Notice to Lynx users: This page contains the <isindex> tag, which tells your browser to display some type of searching mechanism. If you do not see this mechanism, contact your local network administrator to correct this problem. For now, press the "s" key to perform a search. Thank You.

If you have any problems connecting to or getting information from this server, please contact www@microsoft.com . Individual replies to email may not be possible, but all mail will be read and all possible problems will be looked into. © Microsoft Corporation 1995.

Thank you for using Microsoft products!