The Laser Manufacturing Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley is focused on the development of design, analysis, planning and control of laser processing applications. Currently, the laboratory houses a 1kW Coherent EFA-51 CO2 laser with pulsed and continuous-wave operation and a 500W Lumonics MS830 ND:YAG laser. The laser systems are supported by motion control, beam scanning and computational hardware. We also perform collaborative work with the Center for Laser Fabrication at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. In addition to these projects, investigations into laser processing (fabrication) of composite materials, micro-machining applications, and rapid prototyping applications are also being considered.

Faculty and Students

Overview of Current Research

Laser Manufacturing Papers

We invite you to direct any inquiries or comments to:

psheng@euler. Or

Last update: 4/17/95