WWW Servers: Switzerland

This is part of the list of World Wide Web Servers. You may also want to take a look at the sensitive map of Switzerland. If servers are marked "experimental", you should not expect anything. Please send announcements of new servers to:
Last update: Fri Apr 7 09:12:01 GMT 1995

Information Servers by Name

Active-Net:Internet Services offered by Active-Net. (Experimental)
Ascom and Ascom Tech WWW Servers.
La Bibliotheque nationale suisse, die schweizerische Landesbibliothek.
CERN news
Various groups, some more active than others - see the full list
CERN computing documents
A keyword index.
ASIS Software Repository
A server for public domain and CERN software for distribution to CERN members only. The documentation is public.
CA Detector Design
Computer Aided Detector Design support
CERN general information
W3 support for withing CERN and info about CERN, and W3 fledglings.
The DELPHI Experiment
DELPHI (DEtector with Lepton, Photon and Hadron Identification) is one of the 4 big LEP experiments
www server on dxbt00 provided and maintained by the SL/BT group at CERN ,containing among other information about a generic toolkit for slow controls applications.
RD13 documentation
Documents for the RD13 group
SCI project
Scalable Coherent Interconnect development. Under construction in June 93.
SL/AP Group
Activities of the Accelerator Physics Group in CERN's SPS/LEP Division.
Software Technology
Information from STING organised by Mike Sendall.
The CERN SP2 (Experimental)
The VMS help tree on node vxcrna.cern.ch .
WA89 - the CERN Hyperon Beam Experiment
The Hyperon Beam Experiment WA89 is a large acceptance forward spectrometer dedicated to the spectroscopy of charmed strange baryons and exotic multiquark states.
World-Wide Web
The server for the World-Wide Web initiative itself
The YAGS Home Page
Geneva YAGS (Young Adult Group) activities and people. This is a group of english speaking christians in Geneva, that basically like to keep in touch. (Experimental)
Le Caveau
Le Caveau is a non-profit underground club located in Delemont, Switzerland. Its alternative culture activities includes gigs, exhibitions, film club and politics. Nose rings a must!
CIM Action Programme Switzerland.
Es gibt auch eine Deutsche Home Page, et une Home Page en Francais.
The Centro Svizzero di Calcolo Scientifico (CSCS) also known as the Swiss Scientific Computing Center. (Officially Mandated)
Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne
Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule, Zurich: ETHZ Main WWW Server (Official)
Computer Memory Extensions, Disk Drives (Officially Mandated)
European Aviation Server
Information for pilots (and non-pilots) on European General Aviation: Aerodromes, Events, Weather Images, Round-trip pictures and links to related WWW (and other) servers.
WWW Virtual Library: Crystallography
crystallography information
Official WWW server for EUnet Switzerland
European Molecular Biology Network information
is the entry point to a commonwealth of information on EMBnet, the European Molecular Biology Network, its services and projects, its history and members. See also EMBnet Switzerland.
Finance.Wat.ch provides information about financial education, financial economics, financial market theory and related topics. The focus is on derivative financial instruments.
The Geneva International Guide
An overview of the International activities in Geneva.
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, IBM Research Division, IBM (Officially Mandated)
Internet Prolink
Dial up Internet Access - PPP
ISO Online
The Catalogue of all ISO International Standards including drafts, complete lists of members and technical committees, general background of ISO and its structure, facts on the ISO 9000 Forum, and the latest news from ISO. (Officially Mandated)
ITR. School of Engineering Rapperswil HTL
Interkantonales Technikum Rapperswil ITR. Provides an overview over the Booch method and information about Internet courses, post diploma studies and the Microswiss center. (Experimental)
Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales - The Graduate Institute of International Studies
Lab. for Electromagnetic Fields Theory and Microwaves Electronics
People and activities on our Laboratory: staff members, research going on and reports (Experimental).
Lightning Instrumentation SA Switzerland
MultiCom ISDN Routers and Bridges for cost-effective network interconnections and internet access. Lightning Instrumentation SA, the swiss manufacturer of these equipments. (Officially Mandated)
Antiviral Toolkit Pro Information, links to Anti-Virus resources, links to philosophical resources, etc.
Natural History Museum Berne Switzerland (NMBE)
The Natural History Museum, general info, departments, collections, exhibitions, varia (Officially Mandated)
MEM SA Informatique
Neu-Technikum Buchs
Features: Access to public domain OSTC Documents, X.400 Directory address browser, Anonymous ftp.
Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)
Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) WWW Home page. Information about the Institute, its research projects, divisions, services and infrastructure. This information is officially mandated and representative for PSI.
The Pion-Beta Decay Experiment
The Pion-Beta Decay Experiment is pleased to announce its WWW server. It consists of two mirrored sites, one at the University of Virginia (http://helena.phys.Virginia.EDU/~pibeta/), one at the Paul Scherrer Institute (http://pibeta.psi.ch/). The experiment will measure the branching ratio of the pi+ -> pi0 e+ nu decay. (Officially Mandated)
Ping Switzerland
Official WWW server for Ping Switzerland Carries Apple Macintosh related informations. In German
POLICOM www server
More info on Policom on that server!
RadioSuisse Services
Data-Star (Commercial Databases), Dialog (Commercial Databases), Data-Mail (EMail System) (Officially Mandated).
School of Engineering Bern HTL
the school of engineering of Bern HTL, eq. Studies, Postgraduate Studies... (Experimental)
School of Engineering of Burgdorf
Ingenieurschule Burgdorf, HTL Information about; Courses; Postgraduate Studies; Departments; Projects
School of Engeneering Fribourg
Nous sommes deux etudiants de l'Ecole d'Ingenieur de Fribourg. Lors d'un projet de semestre, nous avons installe un serveur www.
SWITCH - Swiss Academic and Research Network
Entry point to the web of SWITCH. Access and information about the services offered by SWITCH. (Official)
Swiss Federal Data Protection Commissioner
The commissioner's recommendations for concerned individuals how to execute their rights granted by the Swiss data protection law. Guidelines for the owners of collections of personal data. Guidelines for the treatment of personal data in the Swiss Federal Administration
Swiss Telecom WWW Server
This server provides information about Swiss Telecom, the services it provides, the work carried out in the various departments, employee home page s, information about Bern and much much more!
General information about UBILAB (the UBS Information Technology Laboratory), current projects and publications. (Officially Mandated)
University of Basel
Scientific Photography Lab.
University of Berne
University of Fribourg
University of Geneva
University of Lausanne
Provides access to information about the University (most of the information is in french).
University of Neuchatel
University of St. Gallen
Institute for Information Management, Research projects in the fields of electronic markets, telebanking, knowledge management systems, process- and system integration and business process redesign. Our Electronic Markets Newsletter is available online. (Officially Mandated)
University of Zurich
We maintain there links to all UN servers (that we are aware of) as well as local information.
Western Technology
World Wide Web Server of Western Technology Switzerland.
World Health Organization (experimental in feb 94)
WHO Acute Respiratory Infections, Diarrhoea & Cholera
diarrhoea, diarrhea, diarrhoeal diseases, cholera, respiratory infections, child health, pneumonia (Officially Mandated)
World Meteorological Center
The World Meteorological Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations which promotes and facilitates international cooperation in the fields of meteorology and hydrology (Officially Mandated)

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