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Lockheed Missiles & Space Company

Lockheed Missiles & Space Company, Inc. (LMSC), headquartered in Sunnyvale, CA, is a major aerospace and defense company specializing in the development of space systems, missiles, and other high technology products.
LMSC is a proud part of Lockheed Martin Corporation.
"Letting The Future In"

The following information is available from our World Wide Web pages.

About LMSC

The Company Fact Sheet and contacts for the Public Information Office.
On-line transcriptions of Press Releases. Here's our latest:

Please visit our photo gallery.

Some Technical Highlights

Lockheed ATM Project -- Lockheed Missiles & Space Company and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networking for the California Research and Education Network

BADGER -- The Bay Area Digital GeoResource: a model for public/private shared access to earth science data over the internet

On-line services

Lockheed organizations offering services over the Internet.

Please send comments to the LMSC WWW Coordinator. Additional information is available from the LMSC Public Information Office.

Last updated: Thu Apr 27 08:49:49 PDT 1995