The Internet Comes To Eldorado County!

Lloyd Internetworking is offering Eldorado County homes, schools, and businesses full, easy access to the Internet, the world's largest computer network. No other Internet provider gives local-call access to the Internet here in Eldorado county.

Lloyd provides low-cost, local dialup to the network. All interested Internet navigators need is a computer and a modem. Lloyd provides a Startup Kit with software for both Macs and PC computers.

For $29 a month, network users will get 60 hours of access at up to 14,400 bits per second, an email account, and up to 2 Megabytes of disk space. There is a $50 account setup fee, and various discounts for pre-payment.

In addition, users will get full Internet services, including FTP (file transfer protocol), network news, and access to applications such as gopher and the net's most popular service, the World Wide Web.

With their expanded modem pool and high-speed links to the Internet, Lloyd can introduce hundreds more residents to the network at low cost and without busy signals.

For more info about Lloyd's dialup service for Eldorado County, call at 916-676-1147, or send email to

Take a look at the Lloyd Dialup Services Home Page.

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