Please direct questions and comments to Rick Malaspina:
voice: (510) 987-0835
Administrative Assistant Selpha Poe is responsible for the design, production and distribution of LabSOURCE in hard copy. She also distributes UC news releases related to DOE laboratory management and maintains back-issue files of LabSOURCE and news releases. Please notify her if you would like to receive LabSOURCE by mail or, if you are a news reporter or freelance writer and would like your name and organization included in hard-copy or electronic news release distribution.
Please direct questions and comments to Selpha Poe:
voice: (510) 987-0971
Technical information about LabSOURCE for Mosaic is available from Rick Guthrie, Administrative Analyst, Laboratory Administration Office, University of California. He is the developer of LabSOURCE for Mosaic and the contact for Information Systems for the University of California Laboratory Administration Office.
Please direct question and comments to Rick Guthrie:
voice: (510) 987-0570
Lynn Yarris
Gordon Yano
James Rickman
Please direct questions on LabSOURCE stories specific to a particular laboratory, primarily those stories listed under the "News Highlights" section, to the above contributors or other representatives at the Public Information Office of the respective laboratory.
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