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Welcome to IUP's Front Door for the World Wide Web.

Indiana University of Pennsylvania is the fifth largest university in a state that boasts more colleges and universities than nearly any other. Founded in 1875, the university draws its fourteen thousand-plus enrollment from nearly every state and from scores of foreign countries. With three campuses located in the foothills of the Allegheny mountains, IUP is the largest of the fourteen universitites in the State System of Higher Education and the only one that grants doctoral degrees.

Recognized as a Public Ivy, the university sustains a tradition of high academic quality at an affordable cost. In forty-five academic departments located within six colleges and two schools, IUP offers more than a hundred major fields of study. Graduate programs in many professional and applied areas are available, as well as six programs at the doctoral level. IUP's internship program is among the commonwealth's largest, providing students with professional experience to supplement their classroom learning.


Indiana University of Pennsylvania
This item contains infomation about the University, the undergraduate catalog, a campus map, and a local map.

The Stapleton Library
This item contains information about the Stapleton Library at IUP and help and hints for doing research on the Web.

IUP Internet Resources
IUP has other infoservers besides the library's. The links to them are here.

Getting Help
This item contains help for using the WWW clients Mosaic and Lynx.

Other Stuff
News, Weather, and Starting points for browsing the Web.


This server is being maintained by the WWW Server Group at Stapleton Library.
